Church of Satan and Temple of Set
Satanism is sadism. In most cases Satanists are openly evil while Luciferians which are also sadists use false light of materialism and religion to conceal their depraved nature. Michael Aquino is a top Satanist in the United States who worked for the US military as an intelligence officer specializing in psychological warfare. Michael Aquino was a member of the Church of Satan and later established the Temple of Set. Set was an Egyptian deity that represented destruction and chaos. Don Webb is a high priest of the Temple of Set today. Michael Aquino established his Order of the Trapezoid at Wewelsberg Castle in Germany to honor the Nazis which used this location. The Nazis were involved in occultism and Aquino studied their beliefs for establishing his satanic cult. Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan and today Peter Gilmore is a high priest of the Church of Satan and top Satanic mind controller in the United States. Anton LaVey's daughters Karla LaVey and Zeena Schreck are high level Satanists today. Sammy Davis Jr. was a well known member of the Church of Satan and was also a Jewish convert and Roman Catholic Knight of Malta.
Marilyn Manson is a member of the Church of Satan and a very high level Satanist that oversees many Wiccan cults as a back up for the Luciferians. The hand "sign of the horns" is a common satanic symbol representing the inverted pentagram with the horned goat Baphomet inside. This symbol is often used in the rock music industry and also used extensively by Luciferians in politics, entertainment, and Hollywood. The Church of Satan and Temple of Set follow masonic formats using degrees and initiations. Freemasons worship Lucifer. Satanists worship Baphomet. The construct of Lucifer is the false light that conceals his real identity or essence which is Baphomet. Satanists are involved in torture, human sacrifice, blood drinking, cannibalism, and sexual sadism. Luciferians are generally above Satanists like these because they are concealed more effectively however there is not much of a difference between the nature of the two groups other than an outward appearance. Satanists are extremely dangerous and malicious. They are involved in the broader plot for total human enslavement which is the agenda of the New World Order.
Peter Gilmore above is the high priest of the Church of Satan and a completely ruthless, sadistic, and murderous psychopath involved in commanding gang stalking, persecution, torture, and murder. Satanists like him need to be investigated and when found guilty of their crimes burned alive for their executions. That is how you put an end to evil. The entire New World Order is a satanic conspiracy however open Satanists are very bold about being evil and sadistic.