Order-followers are the people that keep the currently existent system of slavery in place; not the ruling class, not the political “leaders” or “masters,” and not the so-called “elite.”
The people that keep the current slavery system in place, are the people who wilfully follow orders. Which can be a difficult truth to learn, and to accept for a lot of people.
Following orders means doing what you are told to do, without judging for yourself whether or not the action you are being ordered to carry out is right or wrong behaviour.
If an individual is following orders, that individual can impossibly be exercising conscience, because by definition, exercising conscience means that one is wilfully choosing for themselves right action over wrong action.
Following orders should never be seen as a virtue of any kind; if you are acting based solely on what someone has told you to do, there is no morality found in that, whatsoever. There is
no such thing as morally following orders, the two terms are contradictory.
Therefore, “I was just following orders” is never a valid excuse or justification for immoral,
harmful behaviour. This sorry attempt to give up personal responsibility should never be
accepted as a valid excuse for such behaviour.
The order-follower tries to abdicate their personal responsibility for their actions and pretend the blame lies with the order giver; which is an obvious lie (to themselves, mainly).
They could look you dead in the eye and say “I’m not responsible for that. I just did it; but I’m not the person who’s responsible for it, because I was acting on orders from somebody else.”
It’s astonishing that they somehow truly seem to believe that statement can be regarded as
true, in any way. Sadly, lots of people nowadays believe that there is legitimacy to this immoral behaviour because a group of people calling themselves ‘government’ have somehow been imbued and gifted with such “rights.”
The people in government believe they have rights that others don’t; but what’s even worse is that the people who are actually affected by their immoral behaviour, they believe it too.
“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person
will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.”
Mark Passio