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3 yrs - Translate

The fraud is so massive it's hard for average folks to wrap their head around it...

3 yrs - Translate

Queen Elizabeth II is the blood appointed ruler of the United Kingdom with power to declare war, open Parliament, appoint ministers, and veto bills. The House of Windsor are believed to be officially worth about 80 billion in wealth, assets, name, and corporate shares however they have hundreds of billions in offshore bank accounts and they control trillions through covert shares in corporations, corporate fraud, opium trafficking, and through their hundreds of banking knights and agents. The British Crown ran the opium trade through their East India Company and today British soldiers control opium fields in Afghanistan. Propagandists financed by the Windsors claim Queen Elizabeth II is only worth 500 million which is factually false. The House of Windsor are part founders and part owners of the Bank of England, Standard Chartered, BBC, Hudson's Bay Company, and British Petroleum as well as hundreds of other banks and companies through royal charters. Yale and Harvard were also created by the English Crown through royal charters. The British Crown Knights in the world are collectively worth well over a trillion. Queen Elizabeth II is also "by law not subject to law." That is criminal.

3 yrs - Translate

The Black Nobility is the most ruthless organization on the planet and they are seeking complete human enslavement and global domination. They work closely with the other royal families and they are all unified in their plot for take over while they use the tactic of divide and conquer and the illusion of compartmentalization.The Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. They are not all powerful and they must be dealt with. When they are exposed and resisted without fear they are the ones that tremble in fear.

3 yrs - Translate

The Statue of Lenin in Seattle is a 16 foot bronze sculpture of Bolshevik Russian Communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin located in the Fremont, Seattle, Washington.
Lenin was a member of a Masonic lodge belonging to the Grand Orient de France.

3 yrs - Translate

Another Cure for Cancer discovered many years ago:

3 yrs - Translate

JFK Info: