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3 yrs - Translate

If you won't kill the globalists, you won't survive;;;; because the globalists will kill you. the globalists must be put to death for their capital crimes against humanity. the globalists are already killing the 99% by the billions. they say the 99% are so stupid, and unaware of what is going on around them, they don't even notice it. thus the 99% are just the non-sentient farm animals they claim to own. and for billions of the 99% that appears to be true. wake up or die. fight back or die. the 99% can keep letting the globalists turn the world into a living hell. or the 99% can overthrow the globalists, end their fraudulent systems, and have peace on earth with justice and prosperity for all. will the 99% show they are sentient beings worthy of freedom and prosperity? will the 99% wake up and become aware of what the globalists are doing to them? will the 99% fight back? the globalists made the world we live in today; kill or be killed. to survive the 99% must kill the globalists. if the globalist judicial system is too corrupt for justice, than other methods must be used to kill the globalists. the world is at war, against the globalist cabal. fight back. if you want justice demand that the law of the land on land replaces admiralty law on land. if you want to stop the globalists from killing billions of people more we must start killing the globalists. that is the simple reality of the world we live in today. those in denial are less likely to survive.

Aukina Dokter shared a post  
3 yrs

3 yrs

The head of the Jesuits is called the Superior General and today Arturo Sosa is the Jesuit General and he is also a covert initiate of the Freemasonic Oddfellow Order. Arturo Sosa is extremely depraved and ruthless. The official definition of a Jesuit is one of intrigue or equivocation. Intrigue means trickery and equivocation means to lie. Jesuits are trained in deception and are entangled with everything in society. Jesuits are infiltrators.

3 yrs - Translate



Usually when stocks fall bonds rise, in this case we are seeing both plummeting along with crypto which is down 2/3's. We are also observing the systematic collapse of the E.U. , in other words we are