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The head of the Jesuits is called the Superior General and today Arturo Sosa is the Jesuit General and he is also a covert initiate of the Freemasonic Oddfellow Order. Arturo Sosa is extremely depraved and ruthless. The official definition of a Jesuit is one of intrigue or equivocation. Intrigue means trickery and equivocation means to lie. Jesuits are trained in deception and are entangled with everything in society. Jesuits are infiltrators.
Psychological Warfare
The Tavistock Institute along with intelligence agencies including the Jesuits have developed advanced psychological tactics used on their opposition. Many of their tactics are based on the Art of War by Sun Tzu. Niccolo Machiavelli based a lot his works on the Art of War and was a top tactician for the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility and other royal families are at war with humanity whether people choose to believe it or accept it.
-Lying with confidence to help manifest their intended goal. This uses the placebo effect. Bold lies.
-Pretending they are always in control and even in control of the things that hurt or damage them or their agenda. Fake omnipotence.
-Hijacking all forms of opposition and shutting out the legitimate opposition while promoting their fake opposition.
-Confusion by mixing the truth with lies in all things. Babble.
-Using known liars to say truthful things as an attempt to discredit the truth and facts. Form of reverse psychology.
-Reverse psychology. Using known corruption that pretend to be opposed to their false opposition,
-Declaring victory especially when they are losing. Maintain their morale and damage the morale of their enemy. "Winning"
-Feigned Retreat. Pretending to be defeated to lure an enemy into a trap.
-Deceiving their own minions so that their false belief gives more power to the lies.
-Compartmentalization and diversification. This creates layers of illusion for the top rulers to hide behind.
-Creating distractions.
-Subversion. Pretending to agree with truthful facts and truthful people and then adding on lies to what they agree.
-Using lies and illusions to attempt to associate their opposition with them or with criminals. Framing people.
-Isolating their enemies through persecution and gang stalking. They isolate their victims and then target them in large groups. They call this tactic the "Abomination of Desolation"
-Divide and conquer. When they are vulnerable they create division and conflict to take attention off of themselves. They use this tactic to cause civil wars.
-Problem Reaction Solution. Create a conflict knowing the likely response and provide the solution. Premeditation.
-Covering up their own deaths.
-Faking their own deaths.
The name Fawkes as in Guy Fawkes is pronounced as Fox however some claim the name is a variant of Falco. Guy Fawkes was a leader in the Gunpowder Plot carried out by Vatican agents and Jesuits to overthrow the British government. The fox is considered a clever and cunning animal. Today the Cointelpro group called Anonymous wear the Guy Fawkes mask while they censor and cyber stalk people who speak out against Rome as they pretend to be opposed to corruption. They are tricksters. Reynard is a character in fables who is a red fox and trickster. Anonymous members refer to themselves as Legion. Roman regiments were called Legions.
The name Fawkes as in Guy Fawkes is pronounced as Fox however some claim the name is a variant of Falco. Guy Fawkes was a leader in the Gunpowder Plot carried out by Vatican agents and Jesuits to overthrow the British government. The fox is considered a clever and cunning animal. Today the Cointelpro group called Anonymous wear the Guy Fawkes mask while they censor and cyber stalk people who speak out against Rome as they pretend to be opposed to corruption. They are tricksters. Reynard is a character in fables who is a red fox and trickster. Anonymous members refer to themselves as Legion. Roman regiments were called Legions.
Secret Societies
There are various secret societies in the world all overseen and managed by the Black Nobility and royal families. Secret societies are brotherhoods and sisterhoods of orders used for infiltration into the rest of society, promoting and engineering organized political agendas, creating sub cultures, and used for persecution. Some secret societies include Freemasonry, Rosicrucian Order, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Wicca, New Age cults, Neo-Fascist cults, Scientology, Jesuits, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Skull and Bones, Shabtai, Kabbalah Society and others. Organized religions also use secret societies within their churches, temples, and mosques. All secret societies are overseen by the All Seeing Eye or Holy See whether members realize this or not. Secret Societies are secret because they are criminal societies and have something to hide. Secrecy and privacy are not the same thing. Within most secret societies they have an outer circle of non initiates and an inner circle. Non initiates create the layer of protection and this makes it difficult to criminalize the entire group. The inner circle is made up of initiated members and those initiations involved various criminal and highly immoral activities involving greed, sadism, pedophilia, blood drinking, and even human and animal sacrifice. Secret societies are brotherhoods and sisterhoods and by being part of a group this "normalizes" the criminal and immoral initiations. In psychology this is related to the mob mentality because others are doing these initiations it makes them seem acceptable. The mafia function as criminal secret societies and also use similar initiations. Fully initiated members of the mafia are called made men. The Black Nobility use the mafia as their enforcers to keep the other secret societies in line. They also blackmail initiated members to make it difficult to get out or to speak out against them. The mafia refer to the code of silence as omerta. A common theme among initiates of secret societies is the "Shhh" symbol. The most effective way to deal with the secret societies is by first shutting down the mafia.