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3 yrs - Translate

I have worked in the public indoctrination (school) system since 2011. Yesterday, I took a stand for humanity and our beautiful children. These kids are being coerced into a future where they have no rights, brainwashed into not questioning authority, using their intuition or critical thinking skills. They are being muzzled and separated from their friends and taught to define and judge others based on the color of their skin. I refuse to be a part of any of this abhorrent agenda. I walked in on the first day sans mask. I take my job as a positive role model to children seriously and I will not be an example of a sheep. Miss Tiffany doesn’t muzzle her face and neither should you! I was asked to exit my classroom and put on leave without pay. I implore everyone follow suit! We are so powerful as a collective and we can shift this evil paradigm into the beautiful manifestation that we know is possible! Stand strong in your truth and integrity. God has beautiful plans for us on the other side of fear. 🥰🙏🏼✨


3 yrs - Translate

Coronavirus Caused By 5G

Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell.

Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few other proteins.

Cells purify themselves by excreting out (bud out) debris (viruses) when the cell is poisoned.

Viruses are NOT contagious.

They are NOT the cause of anything. This is the current theory of viruses called ‘exosomes’, in the latest head of the National Institute of Health (NIH).

A scenario is introduced to illustrate an example here thereof,

for example:

A group of frogs in wetlands, makes it difficult for a person to go to sleep at night. Over a period of time, the person notices that one night, the frogs are no longer making noises, they were gone. If a institute called a professor who specializes in frogs, which question would the professor first ask?

a) One, or more, of the frog(s) has a genetic deficiency.

b) The frogs have a virus, are contagious and spread it around one another.

c) Someone put some shit in the water.

In every pandemic in the last 150 years, there has been a quantum leap in the electrification of the earth.

In late 1918, late 1917, there was an introduction of radio waves around the world.
Whenever you expose a biological system to a new electromagnetic field, you poison it, you kill some and the rest go into a form of suspended animation, they live a little bit longer and sicker.

In World War II 1940s – Influenza epidemic. There was the introduction of radar equipment all over the earth, blanketing the entire earth in radar fields. This was the first time humans were exposed to that.

In 1968, there was the Hong Kong flu. It was also the first time the earth had a protective layer in the Van Allen belt, which essentially integrates the cosmic fields, all the planets i.e. Sun, Moon, Jupiter etc., and then distributes that to the living beings of the earth, essentially satellites emitting radioactive frequencies in the Van Allen belt. Within 6 months, there was a new pandemic. Why viral? Because the people are poisoned, they excrete toxins, they look like viruses and people think it’s a flu epidemic.

In 1918, the Boston Health Department decided to investigated the contagiousness of the Spanish Flu. So they took hundreds of people with the flu, sucked out their snot, out their nose and injected it into the healthy people who didn’t have the flu and there was not one time where they could make the next person sick. They did this over and over again. They could NOT demonstrate contagion. They even did it with animals, horses as an example, would put a bag over the horse’s head, have the horse sneeze, removed and put the bag over the next horse. Not one horse got sick.

2003 3G was deployed. SARS epidemic

2009 4G was deployed. H1N1 epidemic

2019 5G was deployed. COVID 19 pandemic

The invisible rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg chronicles all the steps in the electrification of the earth; how within 6 months, there was a new pandemic all over the world. When you hear the normal explanations of how it went from South Africa to Kansas in 2 weeks so the entire world got the symptoms at the same time, despite the fact that the only mode of transportation was by boat or horseback, no explanation, they just say: “we don’t know how that happened”

You can use your smartphone and send a signal to Japan, arrives instantaneously.
There is an electromagnetic field that communicates globally within seconds.

5G – 20,000 radiation emitting satellites, just like the radiation emitting item that is sitting in your pocket or on your wrist.

These wireless 'smart' devices are NOT compatible with your health.

In fact, it is a water destructuring device.

(how much percentage of water is your body?

in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water.)

That includes all your 'smart' devices ranging from your cellular mobile phones, 'smart' watches, bluetooth devices (especially those 'pods', or wireless headphones, even your wireless laptop keyboard mouse etc., emit the same radioactive electromagnetic frequencies)

For example:
There was an electrician. Electricians travel everywhere, thus have a high mortality rate given their profession. The electrician has an accident, breaks his arm and gets a metal plate put in his arm. Three months later, he was bed-ridden, suffered heart irregularities and eventual total collapse.

The susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in your body as well as the quality of the water in your cells.
Therefore, if you begin injecting aluminum into people (aka. vaccines), they become receptors for absorbing increased electromagnetic fields

“In times when there were no electrical currents, when the air was not swarming with electrical influences, it was easier to be human. For this reason, in order to be human at al l today, it is necessary to expend much stronger spiritual capacities than was necessary a century ago.”

Rudolf Steiner
5G Smart Grid old + new antennae & frequencies including new beam forming, is a military weapon deployed globally in civilian areas. Microwave radiation isn't healthy for life, densification of 4G now not good, but 5G transmitting RF cell densification in very close proximity takes the EMR smog up to deadly proportions.

Trees are radiation absorbers to ground, they die blocking signals.

Oh, and I have yet to hear anyone make any mention of the oxygen absorption rate. Yep you read that right.

At 60GHz, there is an absorption rate of the oxygen at 98%!!!

so . . if my math is correct . . . that leaves an astonishing 2% left!!!

3 yrs - Translate

The Bilderberg Group is Europe's version of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)... The Bilderberg Group has been meeting secretly behind closed doors at irregular intervals, once or twice each year since its formation. Its purpose is to remove independence from all countries and permit the European aristocracies to rule from behind the military might of the United Nations."
Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group - An Offshoot of the Venetian Black Nobility

The man who created the Bilderbergers is Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers meet once or twice a year. Those in attendance include leading political and financial figures from the United States and Western Europe. Prince Bernhard makes no effort to hide the fact that the ultimate goal of the Bilderbergers is a world government. In the meantime, while the "new world order" is being built, the Bilderbergers coordinate the efforts of the European and American power elites.
Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy

The Bilderbergers are made up of the elites from the worlds of banking, business, government and academia - which holds top-secret meetings each year in remote resorts in the United States and Europe - to plan what is going to happen on the world scene in the months ahead.
... Only politicians and others who have proven their unquestioning loyalty to the Rothschild/Rockefeller cabal are invited to Bilderberg meetings. They must be willing tools of the super-rich and totally dedicated to the creation of a New World Order.
Des Griffin in his book "Fourth Reich of the Rich"

The Bilderberg Group's chief fear is organized resistance. Members do not want the common people of the world to figure out at they are planning for the world's future: mainly, a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one "World Bank" using one global currency.
Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"

What the Bilderberg group intends is a global army at the disposal of the United Nations, which is to become the world government to which all nations will be subservient.
Henry Kissinger at a Bilderberg meeting [Spotlight Reprint, August 1991]

Since 1954, the Bilderbergers have represented the elite and the absolute wealth of all western nations - financiers, industrialists, bankers, politicians, business leaders of multinational corporations, presidents, prime ministers, finance ministers, state secretaries, World Bank and International Monetary Fund representatives, presidents of world media conglomerates, and military leaders.
Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"


3 yrs - Translate

In a dictatorship there is no choice, the elections are controlled, the police are the military, fear equals control, speech is suppressed, the economy is looted, the people are slaves.



3 yrs - Translate

Wizards of Strange

The Barons Strange in the United Kingdom have a high level authority in the British Peerage and specialize in advanced and bizarre mind control. The family has been involved in politics, military, and many members of this family have been knighted by the Crown. They covertly control the Lodge of Oddfellows. Strange is Odd. The name Strange originates with John le Strange at the end of the 13th century. The Drummond, Stewart-Murray, Stanley, and Philips families have all held titles of Baron of Strange through out the centuries. The Stanley family as Barons Strange ruled the Isle of Manns which uses the triskelion of a three legged spiral and this image is strange or odd in my opinion. The triskelion is also used on the flag of Sicily and this specific version of a the three legged spiral goes back to the ancient Minoan culture. The spiral is used in hypnotism and the use of three legs adds a strange element to it. Like the three legged spiral the Oddfellows use a three chain link as their most used symbol. The Stanley Barons Strange were often Knights of the Order of the Garter under the English Crown like George Stanley, 9th Baron Strange. George Murray, 6th Duke of Atholl and 11th Baron Strange was the Grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and also Grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of England. John Murray, 4th Duke of Atholl and Baron of Strange was a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England as well. Freemasonry is about deception, mind control, illusions, and covert warfare. The Barons Strange and their Oddfellows specialize in using the feeling of strangeness to enhance hypnotism and mind control.

The Barons of Strange ruled over Knockin, England where the Jodrell Bank Observatory is located which runs radio telescopes and their program MERLIN or Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network and this includes fixed or grounded satellites. Merlin is the name of a wizard in British-Arthurian legend and the comic book character called Dr. Strange is a sorcerer. They are using satellites and electronics to radiate spells or mind manipulating frequencies into the atmosphere that target society both individually and collectively. Similar to their covert electronic harassment and mind control Rhodri Philipps, 4th Viscount St Davids and Baron Strange of Knockin was convicted of sending "menacing communications" on the internet and received 12 weeks in prison for it. Rhodri Philipps' brother is the musician Roland Augusto Jestyn Estanislao Philipps or Todd Sharpville and he is an active member of the Barons Strange involved in masonic mind control connected in the music industry. Adam Drummond, 17th Baron Strange may be the head of the this clan today. The Stanley family are closely related formerly holding titles of Baron Strange and this nobility is headed up by Edward Stanley, 19th Earl of Derby. The Barons Strange also manage David Icke's operation and his strange or odd false teachings like "reptilian shape shifters" and "holographic reality" as well as other false teachings like "flat earth" and "human cloning." The Oddfellows is an international masonic order with about 10,000 lodges worldwide and has divisions like the Independent Order of Odd Fellows headed up by Grand Master W. Larry Ferguson and the female branch called the Daughters of Rebekah. Prince Edward of Windsor, Duke of Kent and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England manages this peerage and the Oddfellow Order.
