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Jesuit and SMOM agenda

The Vatican, Jesuit Order, Knights of Malta and Black Nobility people have formed a complex masonic mafia network of global proportions, using many front organizations (infiltrated governments/churches/education, secret services, Catholic institutions, mega-corporations, financial institutions, Freemasonry, Labor Zionism, and others) with disastrous effects on the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

The neurotic goal was and still is worldwide human enslavement by any means (“The end justifies the means” is the primary maxim of the Jesuits).

Through militaristic, technological, economic and above all religious-psychological means.

This secretive mafia network tries to keep people ignorant of the fascistic conspiracy and the instruments they use. Abusing other people's ignorance is their only real power!

The Vatican-Jesuit-Masonic mafia network has been the primary origin of high-crimes over the past centuries: wars, genocide, assassinations, organized torture and sexual abuse, slavery, religious prosecution, state treason, censorship, history falsification, and judicial and economic fraud.

Their criminal practices are hidden behind:

Secret and religious cults, with hierarchical degrees (compartmentalization within) and secret oaths and plans (compartmentalization without).

Socialist (read: corrupt centralistic, fascistic) institutions: UN, WTO, NATO, EU, etc.

Information and knowledge control: cultural entertainment distractions, media censorship, fear propaganda and poor education.

Organizational infiltration.

Monetary system corruption instruments:

Centrally controlled fiat currency money supply -> artificial inflation creation (rising prices and poverty) -> debt-dependency creation (more centralist social control) -> interest rates control (making money from debt) and the international banking rules and international lending/currency-exchange programs (making the governments dependent on loan investment programs) -> more debt -> more interest -> more social control -> etc...

Money laundering (stock market, bonds and other financial products, corporate asset shuffling, real estate, art, software fees)

Social funds theft (pension funds, tax fund 'redirection.

Political, judicial and corporate bribing.

Threats, blackmail, and assassinations.

Immigration stimulation - legal and illegal - to achieve social and political changes, such as: increasing poverty, more and stronger class divisions, and increasing the Roman Catholic population share.

No smoke screen of religious claims, ecumenical projects, charity work, school programs, media control, finger pointing, and history falsification can undo the crimes for which these people are responsible.

No other organized crime network has done so much damage to the people on this planet!

from its origins as the faltering militaristic Roman empire - just when Catholicism was created to stop the so-called 'heretical churches' and its people - which destroyed a lot of European culture diversity

to the murdering crusades (against Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Germanic/Celtic/Scandinavian/other-indigenous tribes)

to the satanic inquisitions

to the massacre and enslavement of indigenous people in Europe, South America, North America, Asia, Oceania, Africa, Russia and the Middle-East

to the global drugs, arms and human slaves trafficking

to the corrupt banking systems and international corporations

to the World Wars

to the Cold War hoax and its large-scale military and political effects

to the global pedophile rings

to synthesized terrorism and propaganda

to secret renditions, torture prisons, and suspension of habeas corpus

to the ongoing plot to destroy the sovereign United States of America and the nations in Europe

It can all be traced back to a conspiratorial plot to rule the sovereign of this world by any means.

It is going to take the awareness of a large group of people to stop this sick and sad group of people, who ultimately can't love themselves nor others, knowing what they have done.



2 yrs - Translate

Prince Domenico Napoleone Orsini is an owner of the Israeli Mafia, Ursino Ndrangheta mafia clan, Cleveland crime family and a top overseer of the Rosicrucian Order. The Orsinis have a rose on their coat of arms and they are top architects of Alchemy which is chemical witchcraft. The Orsinis are a major bloodline of the Black Nobility and they produced popes, dozens of cardinals and bishops and they have been major landowners with dozens of titles of lords, barons, and princes.


2 yrs - Translate

Leadership of the Global Mafia

These international criminals and royal and noble crime bloodlines are threatening society with more fake epidemics, weaponized forced vaccinations, wars based on lies, civil war, world war, martial law, and genocides. They are attacking society with secret societies, organized crime, corporate fraud, and electronic weapons. These bloodlines spread plagues and have been doing that for hundreds of years. These families are behind all the major wars including World War I and World War II. When real people stand up to tyrants like them they infiltrate opposition such as the American Revolutionary War which was hijacked by Freemasons. These criminals collectively have trillions of dollars in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg and they are controlling the Bank for International Settlements. They extort governments and people and make hundreds of billions per year through organized crime. They torment people with electronic weapons. The entire electronic grid has been weaponized with neuro-bio hacking programs. They finance continual lying in society through the media and entertainment. Their primary tactics are lying, making false accusations against people who expose them, and using phony arrogance to appear like they are in control at all times. The royals and nobles run all the religious organizations, secret societies and covert organizations like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Skull and Bones, Kabbalists, Wiccans, Five Percenters, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Shriners etc. They own the organized crime syndicates including all mafias, drug cartels, street gangs, and biker gangs. They oversee the global organizations like the United Nations, NATO, World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, CERN, Maritime Law, INTERPOL, Conference on Disarmament, Red Cross, Geneva Conventions, etc. These criminals have infiltrated every government agency in the world through pedophilia, child sacrifices, criminal financing, bribery, secret organizations, and mafia tactics. They have designed all governments as corporate entities and chartered subsidiaries of their corporate houses and monarchies. They are mass human traffickers, mass murderers, and war criminals who commit crimes against humanity at all times.

2 yrs - Translate

Illuminati structure and bloodlines

The Vatican oversees all governments. The Pope is the Roman Papal Caesar.The Roman Curia is the governmental body of the Vatican. The All Seeing Eye at the top of the pyramid is the Holy See. All national leaders secretly recognize the Pope as the highest authority on the Earth whether its Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, or Vladimir Putin. The Catholic Church owns more land and property than any other organization through churches, schools, universities, and laboratories. The College of Cardinals is the Roman Senate and all the Archbishops govern over their districts in service to Rome. The Archbishop of New York is the highest authority in America and controls the CFR. The powers behind the Vatican are the Roman Principalities which go back for thousands of years to ancient Rome, Persia, and Babylon and are directly related to the House of Saud. They include the Colonna, Medici, Sforza, Massimo, Torlonia, Conti, Aldobrandini, Pallavacini, Este, Orsini, Barberini, Gonzaga, Chigi, Borguese, Albani, Pamphili, Caetani and more. This is where the elite bloodlines came from going back about 1000 years ago in Rome during "Moorish" invasion; they were really Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Persian elites who used African armies to invade Europe. These top families are directly related to the German Nobility like Wittlesbach, Wettin, Mecklenburg, Saxe, Lorraine, and Hohenzollern which created the Hofjuden Banking families like Oppenhiemer, Rosenberg, Warburg, Goldsmid etc. George Soros runs all the banking families and is very high level and sovereign. All of these families are married in with European Monarchs and Nobility over the past 1000 years establishing a huge diverse bloodline of power. Most of the Roman Princes still hold their titles to this day. The Saxe Coburg Gotha bloodline is in every European Monarchy today. The Medicis married into the German Lunesburg Nobility and created the Rothschilds and also the Bonaparte family who are also related to the Capetian bloodline which had two Medici Queen Regents. The Rothschilds took over the Medici banking empire and even bought some of their old properties and art. The Rothschilds recently married into the Aldobrandini family. Aldobrandini comes from Aldebaran a Persian name for a Constellation. The Encyclopedia Judaica states the Rothschilds are the "Guardians of the Papal Treasure"

The House of Windsor and House of Bourbon are the highest Monarchies in the world after the Papacy. Pope Benedict XVI is still in power and is using Pope Francis to hide behind. The Superior General of the Society of Jesus; Peter Hans Kolvenbach is higher level than Pope Francis and is also hiding behind Adolfo Nicholas. Britian owned Palestine after WWI and gave it to the Zionists after WWII. The Windsors were Nazi supporters. The elites are all Zionist whether Catholic, Jewish, or Muslim. Spain is an extension of the Latin Roman Empire and Britain is an extension of the Holy Roman Empire. The Society of Jesus was founded 500 years ago to combat those who protested the Church of Rome; the Protestants. The Jesuits are the Roman Intelligence serving the Roman Principalities directly under the King of Spain. There are countless Jesuit educated Military and Intelligence leaders in the US like John Brennan (CIA Director), Leon Panetta (CIA Director), Donald Rumsfield, Gen. Patraeus (CIA Director), Zbigniew Brzensiki, Janet Napolitano, James Clapper (CIA Director), Keith B. Alexander (NSA Director) Alexander Haig and many more. Bill Clinton, John Boehner, Andrew Cuomo, King Abdullah of Jordan, King Felipe VI, Vicente Fox, Fidel Castro all went to Jesuit Universities. Jesuit Universities are recruiting centers for Vatican Agents. Jozef Retinger trained to be a Jesuit Priest and founded the Bilderberg Group. Allen Dulles and William Donovan were Knights of Malta and created the CIA and Dulles also help found the CFR. Ronald Reagan was a Knight of Malta who recognized the Vatican as a sovereign nation. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is an ancient Crusader Knighthood currently stationed at the Vatican with many members which include Kings, Queens, Dukes, and political and military leaders of all nations. Queen Elizabeth II is a dame of Malta and runs the Order of St. John. Queen Elizabeths cousin Andrew Bertie of the House of Stuart was Grandmaster of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Queen Beatrix is a Dame of Malta. Many members of royalty of the Houses of Orange, Thurn and Taxis, Nassua, Braganza, Bourbon-Parma, Saxe-Coberg-Gotha, Savoy and Habsburg are all Knights of Malta.

Rupert Murdoch owns Fox, Newcorp, and the the Wall Street Journal and is a Knight of St. Gregory as is Roy E Disney who owns ABC and Disney. Frank Shakespear was a Knight of Pope Pius IX, Vatican Ambassador, and was President of CBS for 20 years.The Order of the Holy Sepulchre controls Jerusalem with the King of Spain as the highest authority. The King of Spain is also the official King of Jerusalem which is carried over by bloodline going back to the Crusades. The Este bloodline carried this title and their relatives the House of Bourbon claimed it after WWII from their cousins the Savoys who lost their Royal titles for installing the Knight of Malta; Benito Mussolini as the fascist Prime Minister of Italy. Haile Selassie was a Knight of Pope Pius IX. The Shah of Iran was a Knight of the Golden Spur. Today the King of Spain is also the King of most of Italy by title. The Bourbons married in with the Farnese family who created the Jesuit Order under Pope Paul III; Alessandro Farnese. The Farnese family gained their power militarily and their Roman Villa is designed as a Pentagon. In 1669 Washington was called Rome and owned by a group of wealthy Catholic Priest families like the Pope, and Carrol familes and this is stated in the Catholic Encyclopedia. DC is designed like Rome with a Capitol Hill based on Capitoline Hill in Rome where the European Union was signed. Konstantinos Stephanopoulos; the former president of Greece is a Knight of Pope Pius IX. Demetris Christofias the former president of Cyprus is a Knight of Pope Pius IX. The Vatican controls Switzerland and this is why the Swiss Guard protects the Vatican. The City of Geneva uses the Jesuits logo on their flag. The UBS bank uses the Papal Keys for its logo. Even the Bank of America was created by an Italian immigrant originally called the Bank of Italy and the Bank of America is still under its original charter today. John Raskob was a Knight of St. Gregory and built the Empire State Building, and was an executive for Dupont and General Motors. The billionaire Kenneth Langone who founded Home Depot is a Knight of St. Gregory. Geoffrey T Boise is a Knight of Malta, member of the Trilateral Commision and was a high level executive at Goldman Sachs.

Freemasonry is the occult and is used to initiate more members into their secret hierarchy. The Jesuits oversee the occult societies. They are all occultists who worship Saturn/Zion as their highest god.
