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• “Fortunately, some are born with a spiritual immune system which sooner or later rejects the illusory view of this world that has been grafted into them from birth to social conditioning. They begin to sense that something is wrong and then emerges. seeking answers. Inner knowledge and abnormal experiences show them a side of reality that others ignore and thus begin their journey to enlightenment. Every step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge and not the veils of ignorance. " — Henri Bergson (1859-1941).
Aponte Pirates (Human Traffickers)
Gianluigi Aponte is an Italian billionaire residing in Geneva Switzerland and owns Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) which is the second largest shipping company in the world. Gianluigi Aponte was born in Naples and is worth around 6 billion. His son Diego Aponte is the President and CEO of MSC. Gianluigi Aponte was awarded the Neapolitan Excellence in the World title in 2009 by the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Silvio Berlusconi has been tied with La Cosa Nostra in various ways and was a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy known for being a "shadow government" involved with political corruption connected with media, banking, mafia, intelligence agencies, and the Vatican. Another member of P2 was Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy who is the Prince of Naples just as Gianluigi Aponte was born in Naples. The House of Savoy also ruled over Geneva Switzerland and have a residence there today where Gianluigi Aponte lives. Prince Vittorio also has direct ties with organized crime as he has been charged with murder, exploitation of prostitution, and corruption involving a gambling racket with slot machines. Prince Vittorio got off on all these charges. Prince Vittorio is also married to Marina Doria from the banking family of Genoa and the Savoys have a Savoy branch in Genoa. The Marino family originated in Genoa as politicians in the Republic of Genoa. The name Marino means "relative of the sea" like mariner. The Marinos later established themselves in Sicily. Today Roger Marino is an Italian-American billionaire that co-founded EMC Corporation which was purchased by Dell and now called Dell EMC. Roger Marino is currently on the board of directors for TechTarget a digital marketing company. Camorra is a large international crime syndicate with various clans like the Nuvoletta Mafia operating out of Naples and they are involved in smuggling and even human trafficking as well as other criminal activities. The Letta family with Enrico Letta and Gianni Letta are Italian politicians tied with Sivlio Berlusconi and appear to be connected with the Nuvoletta Camorra mafia clan. In recent years the Sicilian Mafia and Camorra have been caught involved in trafficking Africans into Italy and Europe and then extorting them and prostituting women. The MSC is relevant because it is covertly working with some high level mafias and involved with drugs, weapons, and human trafficking. Recently in 2017 MSC purchased 49% of Ignazio Messina & C. which is a Genova based shipping and container company. Pontus was a Greek name for bridge and also for sea and specifically the Mediterranean Sea. Through their control over ports they are able to bridge their criminal networks together.
Cabala Cult of Leon
The Pierleoni family of Rome are an ancient self-identified Jewish bloodline that worked as financiers for the Vatican and later converted to Catholicism. They are the top architects and managers of Kabbalah and Chabad. Dr. Luca Pierleoni is a sex psychologist from Rome. Kabbalah is used for mind control and satanic ritual abuse which usually involves sex. I believe Kabbalah has influence from Arabic mysticism and Chabad is influenced by Chaldean witchcraft. The Kabbalah Tree is a diagram for hacking into a person’s body and mind. Some Hebrew speaking Babylonians like the Pierleoni family started calling themselves Jews after they hijacked the Hebrew culture and scriptures during the times of ancient Babylon. Court Jews are proxies for Christian monarchs and this has continued on to this day which creates anti-Jewish movements like the Nazis. The fake Hebrews like the Rothschilds with Babylonian ancestry working with the royal families cause anti-Jewish movements which then causes the real Jews or real descendants of Hebrews to get persecuted while these Babylonian-Kabbalists are protected by their employers in the royal and noble families.There is a Kabbalah Centre in Los Angeles, New York, and also Boca Raton which has a large Italian Mafia operation located there. Many members of Hollywood are Kabbalists including Madonna, Demi Moore, Lucy Liu, Ashton Kutcher, Roseanne Barr, Brittany Spears, Gwyneth Paltrow, Anthony Kiedis, Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Lindsay Lohan, and Paris Hilton. Ariana Grande is a sadistic Kabbalist working for the Grandes of Spain and their British associates. Ariana Grande helped SIS and their Spanish intelligence associates stage the Manchester Arena bombing at her concert in the UK. Natalie Portman worked with the French actor Jean Reno who played Leon in the movie Leon the Professional. Jean Reno has Spanish ancestry and is a sadistic Kabbalist and pedophile. Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt is an extremely sadistic Kabbalist, tormentor, and child molester and he worked with Natalie Portman on the movie Hesher. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is from the HaLevi clan. Ashton Kutcher further taught Natalie Portman Kabbalah and she taught Chris Hemsworth whose Spanish wife Elsa Pataky practices Armanen-Runic witchcraft. Rune means secret or occult. Chris Hemsworth makes human sacrifices and bathes in the victim’s blood because he thinks it enhances his appearance. Many members of Hollywood can be seen wearing red string Kabbalah bracelets which represent the red Gevurah sephirot for Mars, war, fire, wrath, and destruction. These Hollywood millionaires that love being idolized want to carry out a holocaust on the American people. Leo-nardo DiCaprio can be seen wearing the red string and is a top member of the Kabbalah Society. Angelina Jolie is a high-level Kabbalistic witch. They are murderous sadists involved with human sacrifice and pedophilia. Kabbalah is used for mind control and chemical poisoning. They work with the Church of Scientology which is based on occult teachings and merging them with electronics. Philip Berg founded the Kabbalah Centre in Los Angeles and today it is run by Karen Berg, Yehuda Berg, and Michael Berg. Marcus Weston is a high-level Kabbalist and connected with Goldman Sachs.Count Massimo Pierleoni is a master Kabbalist and top architect of Luciferianism which is about evil concealing itself in a false light which is a term used for a specific type of deceit. Count Massimo Pierleoni makes posts on his Twitter page about “love” all the time. Evil hiding behind the word love is a form of false light or Luciferianism. These Kabbalistic Hollywood sadists often hide behind activism which is another form of Luciferianism. The term Lucifer was created by Latins and translates to “Light Bearer.” Lucifer was specifically used as an epithet for Vesper the evening star and intentionally added into the Bible in exchange for morning star to create confusion. Lucifer is the evening star. Satan is the morning star. It was the Latins that created the word Lucifer and King James that added it into the Bible. Sociopaths learn to imitate normal people in order to blend in. The light of Lucifer is this sociopathic imitation which conceals their evil. Sociopaths realize that love is what is most important to normal people so they like to use the concept of love to conceal their wickedness in. Luciferians also pretend to oppose corruption as a shield. The actor and Kabbalist Ashton Kutcher made a speech to Congress where he pretended to be against human trafficking and slavery. Their lack of sincerity, lack of facts, and imitation make this obvious. The very evil Count Massimo Pierleoni’s image on his Twitter shows him concealing one eye in the dark and his other eye is illuminated in light.