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3 yrs - Translate

Italy: Draghi stresses that "unvaccinated people are no longer part of society"

Draconian corona measures, completely arbitrary against all citizens of the country, still prevail in Italy. No public transport without a "green pass", mouth mask requirement in the open air, vaccination requirement and Co. determined the unpleasant daily life of Italians, who nevertheless did not tire of taking to the streets by the thousands against it. Now the former Goldman-Sachs banker, the former director of the European Central Bank (EC and current Prime Minister of the country, Mario Draghi (photo), once again dropped his mask.

"Unvaccinated people not part of our society"

After a de facto vaccination requirement was introduced in Italy for people over the age of 50, criticism rained down on the exclusion and social ostracism of people. Henceforth, as an unvaccinated person over 50, you will not be allowed to go to work and will be cut off from salary payments and other social services. This affects no less than 500,000 people.

But instead of withdrawing the dictatorial measure, Draghi (who is in a coalition with the right-conservative LEGA under Matteo Salvini, among others!) dealt out against unvaccinated people. At a press conference, the ex-banker hailed:

All those who become "objects of restrictions" from today can return to society. They can become "part of us" again.

QR code scanner for withdrawing money

In future, in banks and at ATMs it will only be possible to withdraw money by means of a QR code scan, which checks the green card. This affects especially older people, who are completely dependent on the bank to withdraw their pension money. And since February 1, every unvaccinated person in the country must pay a fine.

Side detail: people with vaccination claims are being turned down in Italy with the justification: "The vaccination was not prescribed". How pathologically mendacious can a state behave?

Italien: Draghi betont, dass "Ungeimpfte nicht länger Teil der Gesellschaft sind" | UNSER MITTELEUROPA

Italien: Draghi betont, dass "Ungeimpfte nicht länger Teil der Gesellschaft sind" | UNSER MITTELEUROPA

In Italien herrschen immer noch mitunter drakonische Corona-Maßnahmen, die sich vällog willkürlich gegen alle Bürger des Landes richten. Kein öffentlicher Verkehr ohne „grünen Pass“, Impfpflicht und Co. bestimmten den leidigen Alltag der Italiener, d
3 yrs - Translate

HORROR: Trudeau’s Police horses trample peaceful demonstrators to death at Freedom Convoy – Geller Report

HORROR: Trudeau’s Police horses trample peaceful demonstrators to death at Freedom Convoy – Geller Report




3 yrs - Translate

Another Perspective (From a Legal Advisor)

"1. We enter this world with nothing and we leave this world with nothing, therefore we cannot own property, everything we have use and possession of is on lone to us.
2. There has never been any such thing as "LAW" only the presumption of law where a presumption is nothing of material substance and any presumptions can be dismissed by a formal challenge. This is a fact, so there cannot be any such thing as "Common Law".
3. There are no such thing as Common Law Courts, they simply do not exist. All 'courts' are sub offices of the state and can only ever operate under statute. The CLC is a money making scam, the fact that they sell merchandise makes them an all for profit business... also a data collection hub, hence the need to ask for your information and create a "birth certificate" as equally meaningless as the state birth certificate.
4. When something is "Registered" a legal embodiment is created, we all have a legal embodiment (strawman), it belongs to you it is yours. We are all Attorneys for our legal embodiment and handle matters "for and on behalf of" or legal embodiment by the title Miss/Mr/Mrs (full name).
5. We are not dead/lost at sea, who agreed to that? It's just a common law myth to create obfuscation and lead you away from the facts.
6. We do not need a piece of paper to prove that we are living, breathing men and women. A piece of paper called a birth certificate is by no means a contract; there was no meeting of the minds, no full disclosure and nobody else signed it other than the parents. Nobody can call it a contract or compel you to act under it.
7. We do not have "Common Law rights", We have inalienable rights, there is no such thing as a Law that gives us rights.
8. 67.5 million people did not formally sign a legally binding contractual agreement consenting to be governed by the representatives of HM Parliaments and Government PLC, and 67.5 million people did not formally transfer their power of Attorney agreeing to be represented, therefore there can be no legal representation."
