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Eric Dubay: 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball

2 yrs - Translate - Youtube

A Short Story of Creation (narrated by Eric Dubay)

2 yrs - Translate

Most important Post I've Ever Written

What you don't know is that your ability to own property and to defend your human rights legally depends on you being classified as a human male or female. All laws apply to human men and women only. If they can alter your DNA so you're no longer a human male or female or trick you into identifying as something other than man or woman on official paperwork (using documented behavior modification techniques) then they can steal all your property, remove your basic human rights, lock you into 15 minute cities and abattoir you just like beef cattle....and you won't have a legal leg to stand on.

The transhuman agenda or movement isn't about making a better human, it's about removing basic humans rights afforded to making them non human. Transhumanism is about changing humans legally to the status of farm animal, while the people who organized all this maintain their status as human and all their rights under the law.... because they never altered their DNA with DNA altering medicines or GMO food consumption. This is also why you will never see the misleaders at the top use official pronouns either...because to do so is to step outside the basic property ownership protections and the basic human rights guaranteed under our current legal system. Stop doing everything the TV tells you before you have everything of value taken from you, including your basic human rights inside the current legal system. It was never about health, it was about an operation to remove your humans rights by making you something other than human. That was the ambush. They wrapped this con up in fear, altruism, science, helping each other, official policy, doing your part, collectivism and heroism... because that's the psychological bait that works best inside the human psyche. Jason christoff

