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2 yrs - Translate

The head of the Jesuits is called the Superior General and today Arturo Sosa is the Jesuit General and he is also a covert initiate of the Freemasonic Oddfellow Order. Arturo Sosa is extremely depraved and ruthless. The official definition of a Jesuit is one of intrigue or equivocation. Intrigue means trickery and equivocation means to lie. Jesuits are trained in deception and are entangled with everything in society. Jesuits are infiltrators.

2 yrs - Translate

Just remind you that ..

More than $ 5 trillion in gold and oil were stolen in the invasion of Iraq.

Remember that Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction and was not involved in 9/11, but the wealth of his country was sacked. Then they went to Afghanistan to secure the poppy fields and the lithium mines by force after the Taliban destroyed all the poppy. After that, they went and killed Gaddafi in Libya to gain control of his more than 22 tons of gold, the 30 trillion more oil pipeline that would have brought Africa back to life and the diamonds, silver and other deposits. Throughout the world there is war and genocide for gold, oil, drugs and other natural resources and everything is for the Rothschilds, the Vatican, royalty and bankers, however, they claim that we owe billions to the same families who have stolen everything, they have plundered all countries !


2 yrs - Translate

Vaticanus Imperium

The structure of the Roman Catholic Church is based on the Roman Empire. The Pope is based on the Caesar and uses the title of Pontifix Maximus just as the Caesar used this title which means "greatest bridge builder" in reference to building bridges in society that connect back to Rome. The Pope can be seen waving the Caesar's salute today. The Vatican and Holy See use Latin for the official language and official documents just as Latin was used in ancient Rome. The administrative body of the Holy See is called the Roman Curia just as ancient Rome used the term Roman Curia for its court rooms. Ancient Rome's Tribunal was transformed into the Roman Rota or formerly called the Tribunal Apostolicum Rotae Romanae which uses judges and auditors. Ancient Rome used a College of Pontiffs to oversee the various cults and mystery religions just as the Roman Catholic Church uses a College of Cardinals. The United States is also structured off the Roman Republic and is covertly governed by the Vatican today. The United States Senate is based on the Roman Senate. Rome developed the concept of a Republic based on an intentionally misinterpretation of the Greek City State Federation.

The Italian Nobility that are involved in running the Vatican and Rome are ancestors of the Roman Gents. The Massimo family claim to be the Fabii Maximi clan. The names Massimo and Maximi mean "greatest" or "massive". The Colonna family claim to be the ancestors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty which conquered the Ptolemaic dynasty of ancient Greco-Egypt. When these families conquer their rivals they intermarry with each other. The Colonna family's more recent ancestors from the Counts of Tusculum used the name Ptolemy. The Doria family name comes from De Auria which is the same as the Auria gentile family of ancient Rome. The Giustiniani family of Venice is the modern day Justinian clan. The Italian word Giusto means good or just. The Medici family are the Princes of Ottajano today and Ottajano translated into Latin is Octavian. Nero was an Octavian. The Greek House of Glucksburg take the given name Constantine for the Constantinian Dynasty that ruled the Byzantine Empire and Nova Rome or Constantinople. 

The Catholic Church covertly incorporates many Roman pagan beliefs into its religion. The Cathioino ai Monti is a church in Rome right above Campus Martius or the Field of Mars. Martino is a saint and an allegory for Mars the god of war. The Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Ravenna Italy is allegory for the Temple of Apollo. Sant Apollinare is depicted in the basilica with a golden sphere that appears like a sun behind his head. The Cult of Cybele was located in Rome at Vagitanus Hill where initiated priests would become literal eunuchs to honor their goddess Cybele. Catholic priests are celibate or eunuchs as a continuation of this cult. Nuns are celibate as a continuation of the Vestal Virgin Cult. The Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church practice mock rituals of drinking wine as a metaphor for blood and eating bread chips as a metaphor for flesh and this ritual is a continuation of the Cult of Dionysus the deity of grape harvest, ritual madness, and theater. The Sileni were the intoxicated companions of Dionysus and there is a statue of Silenus at the Vatican Museum in Rome. The Italian Nobility which established the Vatican still control it today and have built pagan statues all over Italy

2 yrs - Translate

🚨 The Swiss government will deploy 5,000 troops to protect 3,000 global elites from protesters at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual gathering in Davos next week.

Swiss police and military have blocked the roads into Davos to check vehicles and take people's fingerprints ahead of the World Economic Forum next week.


