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3 yrs - Translate - Youtube

A very interesting interview with Catherine Austin Fitts who is temporarily living in beautiful Friesland (Netherlands).

Catherine has long been an investment broker. She served in the George H.W. Bush administration as "Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing." In addition, she has been running the platform The Solari Report for quite some time.

We talked about Catherine her time under the "Bush administration" where she began to see how corrupt politics and the system is. About the periods of threats towards her and her family. The monetary system and how it is set up. Who is pulling the strings behind the world stage? What is in store for us in the coming period? What can you do yourself? And much more.

3 yrs - Translate

Of course, honest reporting is again out of the question!.... 👇


3 yrs - Translate

Ex of inventor of PCR technique: 'They killed him'

China expert and lawyer Michael P. Senger has sent out a remarkable tweet. “For what it's worth, I just met Kary Mullis's ex at a conference. She is sure they killed him," he writes.

People who claimed that Mullis, the inventor of the PCR technology, said the test is not suitable for detecting the presence of a virus, were attacked and "fact-checked" by the media, who wrote that his statements were out of context. accomplished.

(Video removed? Click here...) in article

About AIDS, Mullis said, “You can't use PCR wrong. It's about the results, their interpretation. If you do it right, you can find just about anything in anyone with PCR.”

Mullis did not explicitly say that the technology is unsuitable for demonstrating the presence of Covid-19 . He can't have said that either because he passed away in 2019. However, you can draw that conclusion. Mullis said that there are very few molecules of which you do not have at least one in your body. And with PCR, you can amplify — enlarge or multiply — a single molecule into something you can measure.

PCR does not tell you if you are sick
The test allows you to take a minuscule amount of something and then make it measurable. The test is based on things that are invisible, he explained.

And if you test positive, are you infected or sick? Mullis said, "PCR doesn't tell you if you're sick."

Ex van uitvinder PCR-techniek: 'Ze hebben hem vermoord'

Ex van uitvinder PCR-techniek: 'Ze hebben hem vermoord'

“PCR vertelt je niet of je ziek bent," zei Kary Mullis.
3 yrs - Translate

"Do you see through it yet?"

3 yrs - Translate

Nothing is what it seems . . .

The sons of Biden, Romney, Pelosi and Kerry are all on the boards of directors for energy companies doing business in Ukraine.

3 yrs - Translate


With NATO's superior commitment to diversity and inclusion, Putin doesn't stand a chance . .


History - Science or Fiction [Russian - 24 DVD VOB]