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3 yrs - Translate

Technocratic Sorcery

DARPA and the Department of Defense along with Silicon Valley have developed an artificial singularity through HAARP, satellites, electronics, and chemtrails. HAARP. modern electronics and wireless frequencies are generating geometrically designed programs into society. The chemtrails are made of nano conductive particles that create an electromagnetic fuzz in the air and this enhances these electronic frequencies and creates a type of artificial singularity. These frequencies are hacking into the nerve systems and electrical system of the human biology and can manipulate chemicals, pain, arousal, as well as psychological states. The Church of Scientology is also working with Silicon Valley which has developed weaponized electronics disguised as computers, smart phones, wireless frequencies, and other systems. Sorcery is the unnatural manipulation of unseen forces like sounds, chemical reactions, and vibrational geometries with the intent of manipulating bodily chemistry, thoughts, and physiology. Kabbalah and Hermeticism are common forms of witchcraft practiced by the secret societies. Natalie Portman is the most torturous kabbalist on the planet. I am serious.

The Church of Scientology, Kabbalah Center, and Silicon Valley have worked together to develop electronic weapons based on this witchcraft. The Church of Scientology considers itself a gnostic organization. Modern Gnosticism has been connected with Hermeticism which has a focus on alchemy or the manipulation of bodily chemicals. Kabbalah is similar but more about the manipulation of the mind and physiology through geometric sounds and vibrations. The Church of Scientology is involved with training members to use electronics with witchcraft. They are using electronics and wireless frequencies to torture people. Anonymous and other hacker groups are also involved with this covert persecution. Silicon Valley is partly overseen by Santa Clara University which is a Jesuit college and California's Jesuit Provincial who is SJ Michael F. Weiler. The Jesuits are also deeply involved with the US military and intelligence agencies. Santa Clara alumni include former CIA Director Leon Panetta, David Drummond the Senior Vice President of Corporate Development at Google, Brendan Eich the co-founder of Mozilla and JavaScript, Jack Kuehler a former top executive and electrical engineer for IBM, former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, Peter Oppenheimer the former senior vice president and Chief Financial Officer of Apple. Santa Clara has courses in various sciences, engineering, and psychological counseling.

There is a Church of Scientology located in Silicon Valley and some companies located in Silicon Valley include Sony, Google, Oracle, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Adobe, BEA Systems and many more. Japanese electronics companies work closely with Silicon Valley. Akihito the Emperor of Japan is a Knight of the Order of the Garter and serves the British Crown as the blood appointed head of state in Japan. The British royal family are deeply involved in this criminality and have Crown Knights and Freemasons involved in the US military and intelligence which work alongside the Jesuits and Roman agents. Sky Dayton is a Scientologist and created EarthLink which is a network and communications company. This is all about domination through the most ruthless measures. Many of the leaders in the global crime syndicate refer to themselves as technocrats. Technocracy is about a technological based governing system. Many major actors in Hollywood are members of the Church of Scientology like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and Kirstie Alley. Many in Hollywood are covert members and the Hollywood Illuminati leader is George Clooney.

3 yrs - Translate

"Politics is the art of controlling your environment."
Hunter S. Thompson



3 yrs - Translate

Society of Hades

The Society of Jesus also called the Jesuits function as Roman intelligence for the Italian Nobility and they are the most depraved, deceitful, and terroristic secret society. Jesuits are sadistic liars, ruthless slanderers, lying accusers, and disgusting defilers that use alchemy or chemical warfare. Jesuits are ruthless child molesters and cannibals and have been exposed all over the world as one of the most evil groups on the planet. The Jesuits are a literal military order established under the Papal Bull called "Regimini Militantis Eclessiae" which means the Military Regiment of the Church. The Nazis based the SS off the structure of the Jesuits. William Joyce was a Irish Roman Catholic Nazi propagandist that was Jesuit educated at Colaiste Iognaid. There is a Jesuitical Nazi gang stalker in my region named Christopher Huffman and he is ruthless evil and aspires to be the next Hitler. The head of the Jesuits is called the Superior General and today Arturo Sosa is the Jesuit General and he is also a covert initiate of the Freemasonic Oddfellow Order. Arturo Sosa is extremely depraved and ruthless. The official definition of a Jesuit is one of intrigue or equivocation. Intrigue means trickery and equivocation means to lie. Jesuits are trained in deception and are entangled with everything in society. Jesuits are infiltrators. Joe Biden has two honorary degrees from Jesuit colleges and he is a Jesuit mobster and psychopath. Denzel Washington was Jesuit educated at Fordham and is a Jesuit trained brainwasher that covertly spreads black supremacy. The Society of Jesus was involved with the genocide of Native Americans. One example was the Jesuit priest Pierre-Jean De Smet who infiltrated the Iroquois. He requested "Black Robes" for the natives which were carrying diseases as a form of biological warfare. He provided intelligence on them which was used in massacres all while pretending to be their ally. The Spanish also used biological warfare on the Aztecs. The founder of the Jesuits was Ignatius Loyola a military leader from Spain with Basque and Moor ancestry. The Jesuit provincial of the Northeast in the United States is John Cecero and he is a ruthless and psychotic tormentor. Erik Oland is the provincial of Canada and a ruthless tyrant. The Jesuit photographer Francis Browne was on the Titanic and managed to get off before it sank. The Titanic was switched with its damaged twin sister ship the Olympic which was intentionally sunk as insurance fraud. The Jesuits who were previously banished from Japan were in Hiroshima when the "atomic bomb" was dropped. Pedro Arrupe along with seven other Jesuits were within miles of the nuclear blast zone in Hiroshima and all survived untouched. SJ Pedro Arrupe is in video testifying about Hiroshima before he was later made the Superior General the Jesuit Order. The Allies really strategically firebombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima and claimed they were nuclear bombs as a form of intimidation. Jesuits have been known as the Ninth Circle cult which refers to the ninth planet Pluto which is associated with Hades the underworld. The Ninth Circle is also the last stage of Hell in Dante's Inferno the location of Hades or Pluto the Devil. Hades is where the word Hate comes from. Jesuits are the Cult of Hades. The former Jesuit General Adolfo Nicolas operates as the guard for the current Jesuit General similar to the way Cerberus was the guard dog of Hades. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope and he oversees most secret societies like the multi headed Hydra in the Greek myth which was associated with the underworld or depths of the ocean. Hydra was said to be from Lerna the doorway to the underworld. Pope Francis is a violent false accusing psychopath that attacks people who expose criminals by going "No Youuu."

The Jesuits were involved with establishing Romanized communist settlements in South America known as the "Jesuit Reductions" which were funded by the monarchs of Spain and Portugal. The Jesuits were paying their dues back to the Italian Nobility which angered the kings of Spain and Portugal and is one factor that lead to the Jesuits being banished from Europe. They were sent to Corsica and a few decades later Napoleon Bonaparte was born who then made war on all the European nations that banished the Jesuits. Immediately after the Napoleonic Wars ended the Jesuits were reestablished through the Congress of Vienna which was mostly managed by Austrian nobles and many of them are Knights of Malta. The Austrian and Italian nobility are also heavily intermarried. The Habsburgs of Austria are the essence of the Jesuits. Napoleon Bonaparte wrote about how the Jesuits used him in his memoirs. Cardinal Francis Spellman was Jesuit educated at Fordham and he was a major supporter of the Vietnam War to the point some nicknamed it "Spelly's War." Jesuits are militant. Jesuits established colleges in Iraq including Al-Hikma University and then were later banished. The Black Nobility couldn't use the Jesuits to infiltrate Iraq which was a reason for the Iraq War. Donald Rumsfeld was Jesuit educated at Georgetown. Jesuits are deeply involved with science and astronomy. They run major telescopes and set the policies for NASA who reinterpret space. They also spread the flat earth deception and denial that space even exists deception. The Jesuits are dangerous liars and trained illusionists. The Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin developed much of the modern New Age beliefs in his book The Phenomenon of Man. The Jesuits are the continuation of the ancient Essenes which spread fake spiritual knowledge like with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Society of Jesus is involved with military, intelligence, politics, law, science, and religion. They are masters in deception and mind control and they seek to dominate over every aspect in society. The Jesuit headquarters is at Georgetown headed up by President John DeGioia who is a covert Knight of Malta. Joel Hellman is the Dean of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University which is the covert Knights of Malta headquarters in the United States. Hellman for hell. Scott Santarosa is the Jesuit provincial of the Northwest in the United States and he also extremely evil. Benjamin Fulford is a propagandist and shill that was Jesuit educated at Sophia University. One of the most evil members of the Jesuit's Ninth Circle cult is a disgusting psychopathic gang stalker named Andrew Bonneau who is like the modern day Ignatius Loyola. Andrew Bonneau eats babies and then eats the excrement and this is the Jesuit's top initiation. Jacob Ballard is a Jesuitical gang stalker. John Ballard was a Jesuit from the 17th century that was executed. Another Jesuitical gang stalker is a man named Tyler Mullen and he is a depraved, lying, cannibal who plays the role of Jesus within some secret societies. Priests are usually from religious bloodlines which continue to produce clergy for the church and Jesuits are the bi-products of sexual cannibalism which is what sodomy really is meaning their parents reproduced to sexual cannibalism rather than love creating psychotic offspring. Jesuits are ruthless devils that need to be hunted down and completely exterminated.

3 yrs - Translate

Received a 24hr FB ban 2 mins after sharing this... 👍👍

It’s my baby boys birthday! So...that means it’s time for my annual post about the Vitamin K shot. Did you know that it’s not a vitamin at all?
It contains Benzyl Alcohol. Which can cause Gasping Syndrome in babies. We didn’t get to hold D until he was 7 days old. We spent 26 days in the NICU. They took him from me and immediately began jabbing him up. Within 15 minutes of the shot, he was unable to breathe. Research everything! Look into delayed cord clamping. They want to steal the cord blood. They take your babies blood that should go back into their body and try to replace it with synthetic garbage. Do you know how much cord blood is worth? It’s worth enough to kill your baby with a shot.

Still not sure about the Vitamin K shot??

Only if you look at it from a medical outlook, it you look at it from a creation outlook, Do you honestly think such a magnificent process that creates a Human with brain cells, muscles, tiny arms and legs and finger and toes, lungs that survive in a bag of water for 9 months then miraculously breath on their own once born, and does ALL of this from a single Sperm and you honestly think there can be a Defect that man must correct? If this were the case mankind would have perished long long ago.

The function of the placenta is an overlooked non-thought, because the medical system considers it redundant the minute a baby's head makes an appearance. Don't you think that strange, given that for nearly nine months, the placenta has provided nutrients, oxygen and... stem cells to the baby? This magnificent organ provides an amazing service, which is utterly abused, particularly when it comes to ... multipotent and lineage-committed stem cells.
That the placenta contains stem cells should present no surprises to anyone. After all, where do the medical profession think stem cells come from? Thin air? Perhaps they "just appear" and are unique to, a developing embryo? Nope. Cord blood from the placenta, has been described as the baby's first natural stem cell transplant. Which is why anyone who understands placental physiology would never clamp a cord. So why do they? And we also also know that one of the consequences of immediate cord cutting, is brain ischaemia, which can cause brain damage for life.

But we're dealing with a system which appears to be functionally illiterate, yet loves dramatic solutions fit for TV dramas,.... so.... wouldn't you know it. ... ? Drum roll here.... A flurry of medical articles this year, has shown that administration of stem cells can treat neonatal ischemic brain damage!
Is this why obstetricians are so enthusiastic about cord blood banking?

Because... they need a commercial source of a compound to fix the mistakes they make by immediately clamping the cord and depriving the baby of a natural bolus of those same stem cells?

Isn't it time the medical system came to terms with the fact that the placenta, which makes those pluripotent stem cells, AND provides oxygen and nutrient to the in-utero baby all that length of time..., doesn't need to be immediately amputated from the baby, when it still has a job to do?

This stem cell bolus transplant that the baby will get at birth is there for a very good reason.

What might that be?


Any foetus which gets being wrung out like a wet towel while travelling down a narrow drain pipe, can incur damage in any part of the body, including in the brain, and needs an in-built fix-it. And stem cells cross the brain blood barrier. In fact, stem cells can go ... anywhere!!! Amazing don't you think. God's design has solutions for situational problems. Three solutions, actually. The second is the fact that naturally, in the first few days, a baby's blood clotting factors are lower than normal.

But ... paediatricians consider this a ... "defect" ... so want to give vitamin K which results in blood nearly 100 times thicker than an adult's. This vitamin K injection, so they say ... (like they say immediate cord clamping is safe, and normal, and delayed cord clamping is an unproven intervention) ... is because the baby wasn't designed right, and if you don't give a vitamin K injection, the baby "could bleed to death".

It's not for nothing that the vitamin K syringe, sits right alongside that cord clamp and the scissors!

But there is an unanswered question: "Why are blood clotting factors in babies low in the first few days after birth? Why has a baby got much thinner blood as a result?"

Might a logical hypothesis be, that thinner blood allows freer and quicker access of cord blood stem cells to any part of the body damaged during birth? After all, why should stem cells have to fight through a baby's blood which is now 100 times thicker than any adult's, courtesy of another needle?

Of course, God's solutions don't just stop there. To cover all options for "treatment" of a wrung out baby, for however long a mother breastfeeds, her baby drinks lots of stem cells in breastmilk. Talk about multi-route brilliant, natural solutions... which the medical system didn't think of, and which has served to populate this world very successfully in the past.

So why don't obstetricians explain to mothers WHY the best and safest way for healthy mothers to give birth is, vaginally - with the cord not clamped until it's shrivelled hard and dry, (and then only to keep the obstetrician happy) and that mothers should breastfeed for a long time?

Problem is, if all mothers do this, some obstetricians might have to get a new job.

Oh yeah, and cut out the vitamin K injection as well. If your diet during pregnancy is right, your baby will not have a problem. After all, we survived very well before the vitamin K injection came along with the clamp and the scissors, didn't we?

Perhaps one day, some scientist will come along with an elegant, blindingly obvious physiological reason as to why babies blood shouldn't be thicker than normal in the first little while after birth!

Don't let anyone in the medical system tell you that immediate cord cutting is safe, your baby has a natural vitamin K deficiency, or that formula is healthy and a superb" breast milk equivalent", because that just ain't so.

Formula might save a life, but it certainly won't provide all the various immune enhancements and in-built "fix-its" that breastmilk can.

3 yrs - Translate

Received a 24hr FB ban 2 mins after sharing this... 👍👍

It’s my baby boys birthday! So...that means it’s time for my annual post about the Vitamin K shot. Did you know that it’s not a vitamin at all?
It contains Benzyl Alcohol. Which can cause Gasping Syndrome in babies. We didn’t get to hold D until he was 7 days old. We spent 26 days in the NICU. They took him from me and immediately began jabbing him up. Within 15 minutes of the shot, he was unable to breathe. Research everything! Look into delayed cord clamping. They want to steal the cord blood. They take your babies blood that should go back into their body and try to replace it with synthetic garbage. Do you know how much cord blood is worth? It’s worth enough to kill your baby with a shot.

Still not sure about the Vitamin K shot??

Only if you look at it from a medical outlook, it you look at it from a creation outlook, Do you honestly think such a magnificent process that creates a Human with brain cells, muscles, tiny arms and legs and finger and toes, lungs that survive in a bag of water for 9 months then miraculously breath on their own once born, and does ALL of this from a single Sperm and you honestly think there can be a Defect that man must correct? If this were the case mankind would have perished long long ago.

The function of the placenta is an overlooked non-thought, because the medical system considers it redundant the minute a baby's head makes an appearance. Don't you think that strange, given that for nearly nine months, the placenta has provided nutrients, oxygen and... stem cells to the baby? This magnificent organ provides an amazing service, which is utterly abused, particularly when it comes to ... multipotent and lineage-committed stem cells.
That the placenta contains stem cells should present no surprises to anyone. After all, where do the medical profession think stem cells come from? Thin air? Perhaps they "just appear" and are unique to, a developing embryo? Nope. Cord blood from the placenta, has been described as the baby's first natural stem cell transplant. Which is why anyone who understands placental physiology would never clamp a cord. So why do they? And we also also know that one of the consequences of immediate cord cutting, is brain ischaemia, which can cause brain damage for life.

But we're dealing with a system which appears to be functionally illiterate, yet loves dramatic solutions fit for TV dramas,.... so.... wouldn't you know it. ... ? Drum roll here.... A flurry of medical articles this year, has shown that administration of stem cells can treat neonatal ischemic brain damage!
Is this why obstetricians are so enthusiastic about cord blood banking?

Because... they need a commercial source of a compound to fix the mistakes they make by immediately clamping the cord and depriving the baby of a natural bolus of those same stem cells?

Isn't it time the medical system came to terms with the fact that the placenta, which makes those pluripotent stem cells, AND provides oxygen and nutrient to the in-utero baby all that length of time..., doesn't need to be immediately amputated from the baby, when it still has a job to do?

This stem cell bolus transplant that the baby will get at birth is there for a very good reason.

What might that be?


Any foetus which gets being wrung out like a wet towel while travelling down a narrow drain pipe, can incur damage in any part of the body, including in the brain, and needs an in-built fix-it. And stem cells cross the brain blood barrier. In fact, stem cells can go ... anywhere!!! Amazing don't you think. God's design has solutions for situational problems. Three solutions, actually. The second is the fact that naturally, in the first few days, a baby's blood clotting factors are lower than normal.

But ... paediatricians consider this a ... "defect" ... so want to give vitamin K which results in blood nearly 100 times thicker than an adult's. This vitamin K injection, so they say ... (like they say immediate cord clamping is safe, and normal, and delayed cord clamping is an unproven intervention) ... is because the baby wasn't designed right, and if you don't give a vitamin K injection, the baby "could bleed to death".

It's not for nothing that the vitamin K syringe, sits right alongside that cord clamp and the scissors!

But there is an unanswered question: "Why are blood clotting factors in babies low in the first few days after birth? Why has a baby got much thinner blood as a result?"

Might a logical hypothesis be, that thinner blood allows freer and quicker access of cord blood stem cells to any part of the body damaged during birth? After all, why should stem cells have to fight through a baby's blood which is now 100 times thicker than any adult's, courtesy of another needle?

Of course, God's solutions don't just stop there. To cover all options for "treatment" of a wrung out baby, for however long a mother breastfeeds, her baby drinks lots of stem cells in breastmilk. Talk about multi-route brilliant, natural solutions... which the medical system didn't think of, and which has served to populate this world very successfully in the past.

So why don't obstetricians explain to mothers WHY the best and safest way for healthy mothers to give birth is, vaginally - with the cord not clamped until it's shrivelled hard and dry, (and then only to keep the obstetrician happy) and that mothers should breastfeed for a long time?

Problem is, if all mothers do this, some obstetricians might have to get a new job.

Oh yeah, and cut out the vitamin K injection as well. If your diet during pregnancy is right, your baby will not have a problem. After all, we survived very well before the vitamin K injection came along with the clamp and the scissors, didn't we?

Perhaps one day, some scientist will come along with an elegant, blindingly obvious physiological reason as to why babies blood shouldn't be thicker than normal in the first little while after birth!

Don't let anyone in the medical system tell you that immediate cord cutting is safe, your baby has a natural vitamin K deficiency, or that formula is healthy and a superb" breast milk equivalent", because that just ain't so.

Formula might save a life, but it certainly won't provide all the various immune enhancements and in-built "fix-its" that breastmilk can.

3 yrs - Translate

Received a 24hr FB ban 2 mins after sharing this... 👍👍

It’s my baby boys birthday! So...that means it’s time for my annual post about the Vitamin K shot. Did you know that it’s not a vitamin at all?
It contains Benzyl Alcohol. Which can cause Gasping Syndrome in babies. We didn’t get to hold D until he was 7 days old. We spent 26 days in the NICU. They took him from me and immediately began jabbing him up. Within 15 minutes of the shot, he was unable to breathe. Research everything! Look into delayed cord clamping. They want to steal the cord blood. They take your babies blood that should go back into their body and try to replace it with synthetic garbage. Do you know how much cord blood is worth? It’s worth enough to kill your baby with a shot.

Still not sure about the Vitamin K shot??

Only if you look at it from a medical outlook, it you look at it from a creation outlook, Do you honestly think such a magnificent process that creates a Human with brain cells, muscles, tiny arms and legs and finger and toes, lungs that survive in a bag of water for 9 months then miraculously breath on their own once born, and does ALL of this from a single Sperm and you honestly think there can be a Defect that man must correct? If this were the case mankind would have perished long long ago.

The function of the placenta is an overlooked non-thought, because the medical system considers it redundant the minute a baby's head makes an appearance. Don't you think that strange, given that for nearly nine months, the placenta has provided nutrients, oxygen and... stem cells to the baby? This magnificent organ provides an amazing service, which is utterly abused, particularly when it comes to ... multipotent and lineage-committed stem cells.
That the placenta contains stem cells should present no surprises to anyone. After all, where do the medical profession think stem cells come from? Thin air? Perhaps they "just appear" and are unique to, a developing embryo? Nope. Cord blood from the placenta, has been described as the baby's first natural stem cell transplant. Which is why anyone who understands placental physiology would never clamp a cord. So why do they? And we also also know that one of the consequences of immediate cord cutting, is brain ischaemia, which can cause brain damage for life.

But we're dealing with a system which appears to be functionally illiterate, yet loves dramatic solutions fit for TV dramas,.... so.... wouldn't you know it. ... ? Drum roll here.... A flurry of medical articles this year, has shown that administration of stem cells can treat neonatal ischemic brain damage!
Is this why obstetricians are so enthusiastic about cord blood banking?

Because... they need a commercial source of a compound to fix the mistakes they make by immediately clamping the cord and depriving the baby of a natural bolus of those same stem cells?

Isn't it time the medical system came to terms with the fact that the placenta, which makes those pluripotent stem cells, AND provides oxygen and nutrient to the in-utero baby all that length of time..., doesn't need to be immediately amputated from the baby, when it still has a job to do?

This stem cell bolus transplant that the baby will get at birth is there for a very good reason.

What might that be?


Any foetus which gets being wrung out like a wet towel while travelling down a narrow drain pipe, can incur damage in any part of the body, including in the brain, and needs an in-built fix-it. And stem cells cross the brain blood barrier. In fact, stem cells can go ... anywhere!!! Amazing don't you think. God's design has solutions for situational problems. Three solutions, actually. The second is the fact that naturally, in the first few days, a baby's blood clotting factors are lower than normal.

But ... paediatricians consider this a ... "defect" ... so want to give vitamin K which results in blood nearly 100 times thicker than an adult's. This vitamin K injection, so they say ... (like they say immediate cord clamping is safe, and normal, and delayed cord clamping is an unproven intervention) ... is because the baby wasn't designed right, and if you don't give a vitamin K injection, the baby "could bleed to death".

It's not for nothing that the vitamin K syringe, sits right alongside that cord clamp and the scissors!

But there is an unanswered question: "Why are blood clotting factors in babies low in the first few days after birth? Why has a baby got much thinner blood as a result?"

Might a logical hypothesis be, that thinner blood allows freer and quicker access of cord blood stem cells to any part of the body damaged during birth? After all, why should stem cells have to fight through a baby's blood which is now 100 times thicker than any adult's, courtesy of another needle?

Of course, God's solutions don't just stop there. To cover all options for "treatment" of a wrung out baby, for however long a mother breastfeeds, her baby drinks lots of stem cells in breastmilk. Talk about multi-route brilliant, natural solutions... which the medical system didn't think of, and which has served to populate this world very successfully in the past.

So why don't obstetricians explain to mothers WHY the best and safest way for healthy mothers to give birth is, vaginally - with the cord not clamped until it's shrivelled hard and dry, (and then only to keep the obstetrician happy) and that mothers should breastfeed for a long time?

Problem is, if all mothers do this, some obstetricians might have to get a new job.

Oh yeah, and cut out the vitamin K injection as well. If your diet during pregnancy is right, your baby will not have a problem. After all, we survived very well before the vitamin K injection came along with the clamp and the scissors, didn't we?

Perhaps one day, some scientist will come along with an elegant, blindingly obvious physiological reason as to why babies blood shouldn't be thicker than normal in the first little while after birth!

Don't let anyone in the medical system tell you that immediate cord cutting is safe, your baby has a natural vitamin K deficiency, or that formula is healthy and a superb" breast milk equivalent", because that just ain't so.

Formula might save a life, but it certainly won't provide all the various immune enhancements and in-built "fix-its" that breastmilk can.

3 yrs - Translate

Received a 24hr FB ban 2 mins after sharing this... 👍👍

It’s my baby boys birthday! So...that means it’s time for my annual post about the Vitamin K shot. Did you know that it’s not a vitamin at all?
It contains Benzyl Alcohol. Which can cause Gasping Syndrome in babies. We didn’t get to hold D until he was 7 days old. We spent 26 days in the NICU. They took him from me and immediately began jabbing him up. Within 15 minutes of the shot, he was unable to breathe. Research everything! Look into delayed cord clamping. They want to steal the cord blood. They take your babies blood that should go back into their body and try to replace it with synthetic garbage. Do you know how much cord blood is worth? It’s worth enough to kill your baby with a shot.

Still not sure about the Vitamin K shot??

Only if you look at it from a medical outlook, it you look at it from a creation outlook, Do you honestly think such a magnificent process that creates a Human with brain cells, muscles, tiny arms and legs and finger and toes, lungs that survive in a bag of water for 9 months then miraculously breath on their own once born, and does ALL of this from a single Sperm and you honestly think there can be a Defect that man must correct? If this were the case mankind would have perished long long ago.

The function of the placenta is an overlooked non-thought, because the medical system considers it redundant the minute a baby's head makes an appearance. Don't you think that strange, given that for nearly nine months, the placenta has provided nutrients, oxygen and... stem cells to the baby? This magnificent organ provides an amazing service, which is utterly abused, particularly when it comes to ... multipotent and lineage-committed stem cells.
That the placenta contains stem cells should present no surprises to anyone. After all, where do the medical profession think stem cells come from? Thin air? Perhaps they "just appear" and are unique to, a developing embryo? Nope. Cord blood from the placenta, has been described as the baby's first natural stem cell transplant. Which is why anyone who understands placental physiology would never clamp a cord. So why do they? And we also also know that one of the consequences of immediate cord cutting, is brain ischaemia, which can cause brain damage for life.

But we're dealing with a system which appears to be functionally illiterate, yet loves dramatic solutions fit for TV dramas,.... so.... wouldn't you know it. ... ? Drum roll here.... A flurry of medical articles this year, has shown that administration of stem cells can treat neonatal ischemic brain damage!
Is this why obstetricians are so enthusiastic about cord blood banking?

Because... they need a commercial source of a compound to fix the mistakes they make by immediately clamping the cord and depriving the baby of a natural bolus of those same stem cells?

Isn't it time the medical system came to terms with the fact that the placenta, which makes those pluripotent stem cells, AND provides oxygen and nutrient to the in-utero baby all that length of time..., doesn't need to be immediately amputated from the baby, when it still has a job to do?

This stem cell bolus transplant that the baby will get at birth is there for a very good reason.

What might that be?


Any foetus which gets being wrung out like a wet towel while travelling down a narrow drain pipe, can incur damage in any part of the body, including in the brain, and needs an in-built fix-it. And stem cells cross the brain blood barrier. In fact, stem cells can go ... anywhere!!! Amazing don't you think. God's design has solutions for situational problems. Three solutions, actually. The second is the fact that naturally, in the first few days, a baby's blood clotting factors are lower than normal.

But ... paediatricians consider this a ... "defect" ... so want to give vitamin K which results in blood nearly 100 times thicker than an adult's. This vitamin K injection, so they say ... (like they say immediate cord clamping is safe, and normal, and delayed cord clamping is an unproven intervention) ... is because the baby wasn't designed right, and if you don't give a vitamin K injection, the baby "could bleed to death".

It's not for nothing that the vitamin K syringe, sits right alongside that cord clamp and the scissors!

But there is an unanswered question: "Why are blood clotting factors in babies low in the first few days after birth? Why has a baby got much thinner blood as a result?"

Might a logical hypothesis be, that thinner blood allows freer and quicker access of cord blood stem cells to any part of the body damaged during birth? After all, why should stem cells have to fight through a baby's blood which is now 100 times thicker than any adult's, courtesy of another needle?

Of course, God's solutions don't just stop there. To cover all options for "treatment" of a wrung out baby, for however long a mother breastfeeds, her baby drinks lots of stem cells in breastmilk. Talk about multi-route brilliant, natural solutions... which the medical system didn't think of, and which has served to populate this world very successfully in the past.

So why don't obstetricians explain to mothers WHY the best and safest way for healthy mothers to give birth is, vaginally - with the cord not clamped until it's shrivelled hard and dry, (and then only to keep the obstetrician happy) and that mothers should breastfeed for a long time?

Problem is, if all mothers do this, some obstetricians might have to get a new job.

Oh yeah, and cut out the vitamin K injection as well. If your diet during pregnancy is right, your baby will not have a problem. After all, we survived very well before the vitamin K injection came along with the clamp and the scissors, didn't we?

Perhaps one day, some scientist will come along with an elegant, blindingly obvious physiological reason as to why babies blood shouldn't be thicker than normal in the first little while after birth!

Don't let anyone in the medical system tell you that immediate cord cutting is safe, your baby has a natural vitamin K deficiency, or that formula is healthy and a superb" breast milk equivalent", because that just ain't so.

Formula might save a life, but it certainly won't provide all the various immune enhancements and in-built "fix-its" that breastmilk can.
