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2 yrs - Translate

Heads Up My Friends anyone suffering annoying tickle in their throat that causes violent sneezes & painful coughing, chest infection & illness, the tickle you feel is Nano tech lodged in the back of your throat that over time delivers toxic payloads of illness in to your body. Natural remedies or treatments for natural living organisms wont work your immune system will struggle whilst the nano bot/s causes illness, Symptoms include sudden sickness after coughing and lack or energy due to the poisons the nanotech release. Treatment to destroy the nano bot using gargle strength hydrogen peroxide or Ozone O3 that will destroy by oxidization then after consume distilled water with a couple of teaspoon of fine ground activated carbon to absorb the poisons & restore your health, the tickle will go 99% immediately and over 2 to 3 days it will stop driving you crazy almost immediately & energy restore after a day or two of the activated carbon.. Most wont even consider a robotic attacker and will struggle on with there immune system which only has an answer for living organisms it cant kill robotics it tries to cough out and mucus out, the gargle to the correct mix destroys nano tech pronto by way of oxidization , I can advise & help with dosage advice etc... I have just cured myself & son in this way message me for any info you need..



2 yrs - Translate

When this comes to your nation will you stand firm & fight for these people's rights.... or will you still believe that if you remove yourself & hide from society that they won't eventually come for you?



