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Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 18/February/2021
Why Atlantic and Pacific Oceans waters do not mix at their meeting points?
Tartarian forbidden knowledge!
Officials would tell you that the visible boundaries of the waters of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans all over the world are due to Salinity, Ph, Density, Thermoclines, Chemoclines, and Currents of the Ocean and Seas Waters! OK! But official scientists do not tell us why all these differences in the same waters which have been in the same Oceans pool for billions of years? By now, you would imagine waters would have equalized for the most part of it, except for some small portions where rivers run into it. Why is there so much difference in composition of Ocean waters that it makes it so visible to see with you own eyes?
Well, the answer is the Currents!
Officials claim the currents of Oceans waters is due to the phenomenon known as “Inertia”, which is caused by the Coriolis force. But in fact, this is only an attempt of camouflaging the truth, because the so-called Coriolis force has been independently proven Not to exist.
In that case, one would wonder where do the Oceans currents come from?
We all know that there are underwater Ocean currents as wide as 120km, and they get narrower as they reach smaller seas and bays, but the fact is, every metre of all the Oceans and sees around the World, has these currents which run in 2 directions – Inwards & Outwards. Currents are constantly circulating and re-cycling Oceans and Seas waters to keep them clean and alive. If it was not for the Currents, all the Oceans and Seas will get so much polluted and dead.
The big question is, where do the Currents come from and where does the water get re-cycled?

The answer is – North Pole! (see photo below).

At the North Pole there are 4 Continents, equally divided by 4 gigantic rives, which 2 of the rivers run towards the oceans, and the other 2 against the oceans back to the North Pole for the dirty waters to get re-cycled and send it back to the Oceans as clean water. When these currents of clean and dirty waters meet in the oceans and seas, they do not mix because of the currents which run antiparallel of each other, and that is the reason why we can see clear division of waters in the Oceans and Seas all over the World.
The gigantic river which creates these currents is called 'Oceanus'.

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Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 17/February/2021
These 2 towers are very popular because both are leaning sideways and appear as if they gonna crumble down to the ground at any moment! First photo shows the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, and the second photo shows The Zaragoza Falling Tower, Torre Nueva in Spain, which in 1892, the city council of Zaragoza decided to demolish it, although it was concluded that there was no danger to its stability. Amazingly quite strong structure, isn't it!
Leaning Tower of Pisa is stands 57m tall, and Zaragoza Falling Tower was 80m tall, with the lion statue on its walls as Tartarian symbol for strength, photo 3.
We all heard about the official story as why they are leaning, but that is far from the truth. In fact, these two towers withstood the 600m tsunami which caused the Great Flood in 1800ad, which brought down the Great Tartarian Era, but many remnants of it are still around all over the World.

Urszula Kier added new photos to x
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Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 17/February/2021
These 2 towers are very popular because both are leaning sideways and appear as if they gonna crumble down to the ground at any moment! First photo shows the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, and the second photo shows The Zaragoza Falling Tower, Torre Nueva in Spain, which in 1892, the city council of Zaragoza decided to demolish it, although it was concluded that there was no danger to its stability. Amazingly quite strong structure, isn't it!
Leaning Tower of Pisa is stands 57m tall, and Zaragoza Falling Tower was 80m tall, with the lion statue on its walls as Tartarian symbol for strength, photo 3.
We all heard about the official story as why they are leaning, but that is far from the truth. In fact, these two towers withstood the 600m tsunami which caused the Great Flood in 1800ad, which brought down the Great Tartarian Era, but many remnants of it are still around all over the World.

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Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Najade O Ninpha
How could someone work that much magic with “ solid marble” and make it resemble transparency? So ingenious and impressive that it seems to be out of this world. And it is!
It is deceptively contributed to a person by the name of Giovanni Battista Lombardi, claiming it was commissioned by Signora Camilla Facchi Fè D’Ostiani (1834-1901), the statue was executed by Lombardi in 1858 and installed among the ‘golden walls’ of the baths at Palazzo Facchi in Brescia.
In fact, this statue was carved by Tartarian masters who used laser guided cutting-edge precision technology to achieve such a vivid finish out of a marble. Europeans did not have this technology 200 years ago, but only claimed possession of it as the winners of the War 200 years ago.
This beautiful Nymph merges classical simplicity with romantic sentiment, her beautiful nudity, the kind which, rather than the senses, inebriates the soul with soothing ideas.
The young girl, with idealised features, is captured in the act of entering a stream of water, nude but for a drape, which she is seen removing from her thigh. Gazing at the water below, she displays her intricately carved pearl diadem centred by a shell, which indicates her mythological status. Feeling the cold water on her toes, the girl appears to hesitate, hovering her left hand in front of her body, in an imitation of the pudica gesture seen in Tartarian Venuses. The harmony of the composition allows for a full appreciation in the round; the girl’s wavy tresses and graceful forms creating a supremely elegant rear view.

Urszula Kier added new photos to c
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Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Najade O Ninpha
How could someone work that much magic with “ solid marble” and make it resemble transparency? So ingenious and impressive that it seems to be out of this world. And it is!
It is deceptively contributed to a person by the name of Giovanni Battista Lombardi, claiming it was commissioned by Signora Camilla Facchi Fè D’Ostiani (1834-1901), the statue was executed by Lombardi in 1858 and installed among the ‘golden walls’ of the baths at Palazzo Facchi in Brescia.
In fact, this statue was carved by Tartarian masters who used laser guided cutting-edge precision technology to achieve such a vivid finish out of a marble. Europeans did not have this technology 200 years ago, but only claimed possession of it as the winners of the War 200 years ago.
This beautiful Nymph merges classical simplicity with romantic sentiment, her beautiful nudity, the kind which, rather than the senses, inebriates the soul with soothing ideas.
The young girl, with idealised features, is captured in the act of entering a stream of water, nude but for a drape, which she is seen removing from her thigh. Gazing at the water below, she displays her intricately carved pearl diadem centred by a shell, which indicates her mythological status. Feeling the cold water on her toes, the girl appears to hesitate, hovering her left hand in front of her body, in an imitation of the pudica gesture seen in Tartarian Venuses. The harmony of the composition allows for a full appreciation in the round; the girl’s wavy tresses and graceful forms creating a supremely elegant rear view.

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10 lutego 2021 · Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 10/Febryary/2021
Tartarian Mosaic floor in a vineyard in Italy!
Tartaria was destroyed by a 600m high tsunami in 1800ad, and as the flood waters receded, it brought with it a lot of mud, which buried cities underneath.
Mosaic floor of one of the buried Tartarian villa being excavated under a vineyard in Negrar di Valpolicella, Veneto, Italy. Surveyors in the commune of Negrar di Valpolicella north of Verona published images of the well-preserved tiles buried under metres of earth.
According to officials, scholars first found evidence of a Tartarian villa there more than a century ago.
Technicians are still gently excavating the site to see the full extent of the ancient building.
Images posted online show the pristine mosaic as well as foundations of the villa.

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Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 2/February/2021
Tartarian Sound Healing w/ 432 Hz Music
Tartarian masters knew that Sound bypasses the conscious mind and goes directly to all parts of the body, all cells and DNA receptors of the body, thus creating instantaneous biological effect, and if the sound is harmonic, body's reaction will be instantaneous healing.
Today, Sound is being used as a weapon!
There are 9 core creative frequencies to the universe, as a mathematical construct. We now know that there is a perfect circle of sound. We now know from NASA recording that the Sun is actually beaming with 528Hz as kind of a central sound frequency within it, and that among those 9 core creator frequencies we find the original musical scale.
There is Good & Evil in Universe and Evil is part of nature, part of what God has created and it is actually the frequency 741, which in fact is resonating in the A 440Hz standard tuning in the Western World music. So we are actually listening to a frequency in all of the World music, Western World that vibrates to the tone that vibrates in dissidents to 526Hz, (love, miracles).
The current western musical standard (440 Hz A) was institutionalized by the Rockefeller Foundation and Joseph Goebbels. In 1939 Sound frequencies can affect cellular structure/DNA.
440Hz A standard tuning in music that the whole Worlds is listening to, it is suppressing the 528 C, as being the "holy" scale of God, it is suppressing the hearth chakra, everything down from the throat chakra down is suppressed and everything up from the throat chakra is stimulated, including the left brain, egoic mind, the reasonable rational mind of science plays on, and this is the major factor for science to become like a new God imposed on the planet superficially.
The tunes which the western World is based on do not include the sacred tones of 528Hz C.
The original Solfeggios notes were 393, 497, 528 (miracle six), 639 and then 741. The 741 note, that’s the fifth note, is at sharp when you tune to A440Hz, the standard tuning. 741 is the exact equivalent to as sharp. In musicology, the interval between 528 and 741, virtually between love and virtually fear and dissidents, is called THE DEVILS TONE 741Hz note! In musicology, or the devils interval, when you play these two notes together, it causes such tremendous stress that you don’t want to listen to it. It is really dissident. And that’s strange because 528 love frequencies virtually harmonize with everything except that.
So then what you are left with realizing is that 741 is part of nature, is part of the original musical scale, but it is in dissidents to love, which leaves us as readers of the book of 528 realizing that evil is part of the matrix of Universal design, and we the people have to chose as our choice which direction we will take, as we are blessed with freedom of choice which the Creator has given us, by standing up and say NO to evil and to our oppressors.
So, tune into Tartarian Sound Healing Music for rejuvenation, reconnection and reawakening with this Tartarian masterpiece!

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The entire corona madness expressed in 1 tweet

On Friday, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport hurled a remarkable tweet into the world. “Have you had the Janssen vaccine and a booster? Then you can get an extra mRNA shot from 16 March. This can resolve entry issues in some countries. There is no medical necessity for the extra shot," the ministry tweeted.

The message raises eyebrows. MP Pieter Omtzigt asks: "So do you need an extra vaccination to be able to travel and that without medical necessity?" He asked about this a month ago and then the answer was still: with Janssen plus booster you can travel with the European corona pass.

Journalist Wouter van Noort writes: “A shot to be allowed to travel. Not because it is medically necessary, but because otherwise you cannot travel.”

just sick
Belgian GP Frank Peeters is surprised: “The Ministry of Health in the Netherlands is promoting the mRNA shot as a travel vaccine without medical necessity.”

“You encourage people to take an experimental drug, without knowing the specific health situation of those people. Take a very, very likely unnecessary drug with potential side effects because otherwise we can't spy on you. Just sick,” writes freelance journalist Arno Wellens.

Hydraulic engineer Auke Terlouw states: “The entire corona madness is expressed in one tweet.”

'It will stay here'
Meanwhile , Side Effects Center Lareb has announced that inflammation of the small blood vessels in the skin – cutaneous vasculitis – is added as a side effect to the package leaflet of Janssen's corona vaccine.

The decision was made on the basis of worldwide reports received by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Cutaneous vasculitis can manifest as a rash or bruising. Sometimes the internal organs can also be reached. This can then lead to other complaints, including stomach, intestinal and muscle complaints.

At the end of last year , the media still headlined : In a year, 36 new side effects of corona vaccines were discovered: 'It will stay with this'.

De gehele coronawaanzin verwoord in 1 tweet

De gehele coronawaanzin verwoord in 1 tweet

Het ministerie van Volksgezondheid promoot de coronaprik als reisvaccin zonder medische noodzaak.
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Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 1/February/2021
Google Ocean, lansiran vo februari 2009 godina, napravi fotosesija na koja e pronajden potopen grad vo Atlanskiot okean, 1000km od bregot na Severozapadna Afrika, vo blizinata na Canerry Islands. Gradot e nesto pomal od teritorijata na Makedonia, i ima 20.000 kvadratni km. Točni koordinati na naoǵanje se: -31 stepen 15 minuti 15,53 sekundi na severna geografska širina 24 stepeni 15 minuti 15,30 sekundi na zapadna dolžina. Praktično sovršen pravoagolnik go zabeleža aeronautičkiot inžener na Berni Bamford so alatka za podvodni istražuvanja.
Na slikata od potopeniot grad mozi da se vidi istata onaa arhitektura i skulpturi od Svetata Zemja Tartaria, koja sto se protegase na site 5 kontinenti na Zemjava.
Site sega mislat deka ovaj potopen kolosalen grad vo Atlanskiot okean deka e del od potonatiot kontinent Atlantida, megutoa ova e uste edna namera da se skrie vistinata za Atlantida, koj sto ne e potonat tuku se uste e nad vodite na okeanite. Povece za toa kade e Atlantida, vo narednite postovi!

Urszula Kier added new photos to 1/February/2021
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Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 1/February/2021
Google Ocean, lansiran vo februari 2009 godina, napravi fotosesija na koja e pronajden potopen grad vo Atlanskiot okean, 1000km od bregot na Severozapadna Afrika, vo blizinata na Canerry Islands. Gradot e nesto pomal od teritorijata na Makedonia, i ima 20.000 kvadratni km. Točni koordinati na naoǵanje se: -31 stepen 15 minuti 15,53 sekundi na severna geografska širina 24 stepeni 15 minuti 15,30 sekundi na zapadna dolžina. Praktično sovršen pravoagolnik go zabeleža aeronautičkiot inžener na Berni Bamford so alatka za podvodni istražuvanja.
Na slikata od potopeniot grad mozi da se vidi istata onaa arhitektura i skulpturi od Svetata Zemja Tartaria, koja sto se protegase na site 5 kontinenti na Zemjava.
Site sega mislat deka ovaj potopen kolosalen grad vo Atlanskiot okean deka e del od potonatiot kontinent Atlantida, megutoa ova e uste edna namera da se skrie vistinata za Atlantida, koj sto ne e potonat tuku se uste e nad vodite na okeanite. Povece za toa kade e Atlantida, vo narednite postovi!
