Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 18/February/2021
Why Atlantic and Pacific Oceans waters do not mix at their meeting points?
Tartarian forbidden knowledge!
Officials would tell you that the visible boundaries of the waters of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans all over the world are due to Salinity, Ph, Density, Thermoclines, Chemoclines, and Currents of the Ocean and Seas Waters! OK! But official scientists do not tell us why all these differences in the same waters which have been in the same Oceans pool for billions of years? By now, you would imagine waters would have equalized for the most part of it, except for some small portions where rivers run into it. Why is there so much difference in composition of Ocean waters that it makes it so visible to see with you own eyes?
Well, the answer is the Currents!
Officials claim the currents of Oceans waters is due to the phenomenon known as “Inertia”, which is caused by the Coriolis force. But in fact, this is only an attempt of camouflaging the truth, because the so-called Coriolis force has been independently proven Not to exist.
In that case, one would wonder where do the Oceans currents come from?
We all know that there are underwater Ocean currents as wide as 120km, and they get narrower as they reach smaller seas and bays, but the fact is, every metre of all the Oceans and sees around the World, has these currents which run in 2 directions – Inwards & Outwards. Currents are constantly circulating and re-cycling Oceans and Seas waters to keep them clean and alive. If it was not for the Currents, all the Oceans and Seas will get so much polluted and dead.
The big question is, where do the Currents come from and where does the water get re-cycled?
The answer is – North Pole! (see photo below).
At the North Pole there are 4 Continents, equally divided by 4 gigantic rives, which 2 of the rivers run towards the oceans, and the other 2 against the oceans back to the North Pole for the dirty waters to get re-cycled and send it back to the Oceans as clean water. When these currents of clean and dirty waters meet in the oceans and seas, they do not mix because of the currents which run antiparallel of each other, and that is the reason why we can see clear division of waters in the Oceans and Seas all over the World.
The gigantic river which creates these currents is called 'Oceanus'.
Urszula Kier
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