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3 yrs - Translate

The entire corona madness expressed in 1 tweet

On Friday, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport hurled a remarkable tweet into the world. “Have you had the Janssen vaccine and a booster? Then you can get an extra mRNA shot from 16 March. This can resolve entry issues in some countries. There is no medical necessity for the extra shot," the ministry tweeted.

The message raises eyebrows. MP Pieter Omtzigt asks: "So do you need an extra vaccination to be able to travel and that without medical necessity?" He asked about this a month ago and then the answer was still: with Janssen plus booster you can travel with the European corona pass.

Journalist Wouter van Noort writes: “A shot to be allowed to travel. Not because it is medically necessary, but because otherwise you cannot travel.”

just sick
Belgian GP Frank Peeters is surprised: “The Ministry of Health in the Netherlands is promoting the mRNA shot as a travel vaccine without medical necessity.”

“You encourage people to take an experimental drug, without knowing the specific health situation of those people. Take a very, very likely unnecessary drug with potential side effects because otherwise we can't spy on you. Just sick,” writes freelance journalist Arno Wellens.

Hydraulic engineer Auke Terlouw states: “The entire corona madness is expressed in one tweet.”

'It will stay here'
Meanwhile , Side Effects Center Lareb has announced that inflammation of the small blood vessels in the skin – cutaneous vasculitis – is added as a side effect to the package leaflet of Janssen's corona vaccine.

The decision was made on the basis of worldwide reports received by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Cutaneous vasculitis can manifest as a rash or bruising. Sometimes the internal organs can also be reached. This can then lead to other complaints, including stomach, intestinal and muscle complaints.

At the end of last year , the media still headlined : In a year, 36 new side effects of corona vaccines were discovered: 'It will stay with this'.

De gehele coronawaanzin verwoord in 1 tweet

De gehele coronawaanzin verwoord in 1 tweet

Het ministerie van Volksgezondheid promoot de coronaprik als reisvaccin zonder medische noodzaak.
3 yrs - Translate

Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 1/February/2021
Google Ocean, lansiran vo februari 2009 godina, napravi fotosesija na koja e pronajden potopen grad vo Atlanskiot okean, 1000km od bregot na Severozapadna Afrika, vo blizinata na Canerry Islands. Gradot e nesto pomal od teritorijata na Makedonia, i ima 20.000 kvadratni km. Točni koordinati na naoǵanje se: -31 stepen 15 minuti 15,53 sekundi na severna geografska širina 24 stepeni 15 minuti 15,30 sekundi na zapadna dolžina. Praktično sovršen pravoagolnik go zabeleža aeronautičkiot inžener na Berni Bamford so alatka za podvodni istražuvanja.
Na slikata od potopeniot grad mozi da se vidi istata onaa arhitektura i skulpturi od Svetata Zemja Tartaria, koja sto se protegase na site 5 kontinenti na Zemjava.
Site sega mislat deka ovaj potopen kolosalen grad vo Atlanskiot okean deka e del od potonatiot kontinent Atlantida, megutoa ova e uste edna namera da se skrie vistinata za Atlantida, koj sto ne e potonat tuku se uste e nad vodite na okeanite. Povece za toa kade e Atlantida, vo narednite postovi!

Urszula Kier added new photos to 1/February/2021
3 yrs - Translate

Author: Gorgi Shepentulevski
Posted: 1/February/2021
Google Ocean, lansiran vo februari 2009 godina, napravi fotosesija na koja e pronajden potopen grad vo Atlanskiot okean, 1000km od bregot na Severozapadna Afrika, vo blizinata na Canerry Islands. Gradot e nesto pomal od teritorijata na Makedonia, i ima 20.000 kvadratni km. Točni koordinati na naoǵanje se: -31 stepen 15 minuti 15,53 sekundi na severna geografska širina 24 stepeni 15 minuti 15,30 sekundi na zapadna dolžina. Praktično sovršen pravoagolnik go zabeleža aeronautičkiot inžener na Berni Bamford so alatka za podvodni istražuvanja.
Na slikata od potopeniot grad mozi da se vidi istata onaa arhitektura i skulpturi od Svetata Zemja Tartaria, koja sto se protegase na site 5 kontinenti na Zemjava.
Site sega mislat deka ovaj potopen kolosalen grad vo Atlanskiot okean deka e del od potonatiot kontinent Atlantida, megutoa ova e uste edna namera da se skrie vistinata za Atlantida, koj sto ne e potonat tuku se uste e nad vodite na okeanite. Povece za toa kade e Atlantida, vo narednite postovi!

3 yrs - Translate

Destruction of the Central station in Cologne-Germany
Cologne, spanning the Rhine River in western Germany, is the region’s cultural hub. A landmark of High Tartarian-Macedonian architecture set amid reconstructed old town, the twin-spired Cologne Cathedral is also known for its gilded Tartarian reliquary and sweeping river views. The adjacent Museum Ludwig showcases 20th-century art, including many masterpieces by Picasso, and the Tartarian Museum houses Holly Land antiquities.
Cologne central station, which was built by Tartarian-Macedonian masters, was bombed, and destroyed in World War 2 by the allies. Posted: 30/January/2021 Gorgi Shepentulevski

3 yrs - Translate

Destruction of the Central station in Cologne-Germany
Cologne, spanning the Rhine River in western Germany, is the region’s cultural hub. A landmark of High Tartarian-Macedonian architecture set amid reconstructed old town, the twin-spired Cologne Cathedral is also known for its gilded Tartarian reliquary and sweeping river views. The adjacent Museum Ludwig showcases 20th-century art, including many masterpieces by Picasso, and the Tartarian Museum houses Holly Land antiquities.
Cologne central station, which was built by Tartarian-Macedonian masters, was bombed, and destroyed in World War 2 by the allies.

Posted: 30/January/2021 Gorgi Shepentulevski

3 yrs - Translate

New WEF plan: With the blood test to the biometric, climate-neutral (!) Covid pass - for "travel, cinema and Co."

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is once again releasing its dystopian visions of the future. As part of its "Great Reset" agenda, it is advertising the biometric and digitized Covid passport, which should make its appearance in the Western industrialized countries starting this fall. The announcement probably also explains why suddenly in many countries the corona measures have been reversed to the "economy mode": in the background, the technical introduction of the total control is being worked on with great pressure and could well take until the end of the year.

With the blood test to the digital Covid passport

An app is to be used to make it possible for citizens who have been vaccinated against corona (presumably four to five times until then) to enjoy their "freedom" again, for example to travel or attend concerts. The "revolutionary innovation" from the point of view of the WEF: one has to give a blood sample beforehand and have it examined in a laboratory. Afterwards, one is sent a QR health code on one's smartphone. The blood test, according to the WEF, is taken to get a "certain result of 100%."

This "blood-based QR code" will become THE more central means of access and freedoms in the future. That it is extra emphasized that the "digital passport" does not have a tracking function (i.e. the ability to record data of movements), already sets off alarm bells. After all, why should one mention that extra when one carries that in one's shield anyway.

"Climate-neutral" travel only as "uncontaminated"

The digital, global health structure pursued by the WHO and WEF has as one of its goals that only "non-infected people" should be allowed to travel. By means of up-to-date data and access information, thanks to the scanned QR codes, countries can constantly record "epidemiological data" and react accordingly. For the "next Covid-19 outbreaks or other pandemics," according to the WEF.

But that is not enough: as already warned from many quarters, the monitoring technology in the context of the Corona pandemic will in future be used to educate people in the sense of the climate dictatorship. For the "Covid pass" must include a mandatory "carbon footprint meter." This will, in the future, prevent citizens from travelling around the world by airplane at will and from being able to do so:

Neuer WEF-Plan: Mit der Blutprobe zum biometrischen, klimaneutralen (!) Covid-Pass - für "Reisen, Kino und Co." | UNSER MITTELEUROPA

Neuer WEF-Plan: Mit der Blutprobe zum biometrischen, klimaneutralen (!) Covid-Pass - für "Reisen, Kino und Co." | UNSER MITTELEUROPA

Das World Economic Forum (WEF) gibt wieder einmal seine dystopischen Zukunftsvision preis. Im Zuge der „Great Reset“-Agenda wird der biometrische und digitalisierte Covid-Pass beworben, der ab Herbst in den westlichen Industrienationen Einzug halten
3 yrs - Translate - Youtube

"The true loser of this war will be Europe" (English subtitles)