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2 yrs - Translate

Three corporations run the world. The Vatican, Washington DC, and The City of London (The Crown).

Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican & the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called Empire of the City.

This corporate empire of 3 city states controls the world, economically through London’s inner city, militarily through the District of Columbia, and spiritually through the Vatican

These are the most important institutions that work hard to establish the NWO and completely enslave us, The Empire Of The City

2 yrs - Translate

Klaus Schwab, obsessive transhumanist and founder of the World Economic Forum. His dream is to enslave humanity and cloud the boundaries between Human and Artificial Intelligence.

He wants to redefine ′′ biologically ′′ what it means to be human.
In October 2019 hosted Event 201 with Bill Gates where he simulated the global response to a respiratory virus epidemic, then a few months later.. what a coincidence..

He wrote the books ′′ Fourth Industrial Revolution ′′ and ′′ The Great Reset ", both published in June 2020, where he speaks with the utmost casualty of economic collapse, constant surveillance, nanotechnology plants in humans and other things we are already living.

This is not a fabricated or conspiracy story. It's all happening on this planet right now under this pl,ndemic hoax.
This vir..s is a man-made catalyst to begin the implementation of the new world order.

2 yrs - Translate

6uild 6ack 6etter. We're Being Set Up To Default To The Great Reset aka New World Order.


Cats > “Why is my cat peeing on the bed?”

Why Your Cat is Peeing on Your Bed | PetMD

Why Your Cat is Peeing on Your Bed | PetMD

If your cat gets a clean bill of health and is still peeing on the bed, here are five possible reasons why your cat is using your bed as a litter box. Read more.
